Murphy Brown Lab


 Our research is focused on interventions to promote healthier lifestyle changes in individuals who smoke cigarettes and are overweight or obese. The team is led by Primary Investigator, Dr. Cara Murphy, and is made up of staff, graduate and undergraduate students, and nurse practitioners.


Our Studies

The Get Fit to Quit Study aims to learn how a specific intervention programs work to help people who are overweight or obese quit smoking without gaining weight.

The THRIVE Study aims to learn more about how electronic cigarettes and financial incentives impact a person’s smoking and weight.


The CRESCENT Study is coming soon! Check back later for more information.
Our Team
Cara Murphy, Ph.D.

Cara Murphy, Ph.D.

Principle Investigator

Katie Good

Katie Good

Senior Research Assistant

Amaya Allen

Amaya Allen

Research Assistant

Jerry Quan

Jerry Quan

Research Assistant

Shukria Sakhi

Shukria Sakhi

Research Assistant

Cameron Cooper

Cameron Cooper

Research Assistant

Leah Kortiz

Leah Kortiz

Research Assistant

Libby Dakers

Libby Dakers

Research Assistant

Chína Emekanwokeji

Chína Emekanwokeji

Research Assistant

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