Asha Franchi


  • Music | Economics

Music Capstone Project:

  • Endlessness

Endlessness is a project that centers on the precarious ways in which we construct our identities. Through labels and boundaries, one builds a singular, defined self. However, that self is merely an amalgamation of the familiar: routines and memories, the life we’re used to seeing. In a time of unprecedented newness, I chose to re-attach myself to moments where I felt pain and joy acutely, in ways I had never experienced before. Thus, these songs not only point toward feelings of loneliness and loss, but also breathe in new feelings like freedom, anger, and confusion. While Endlessness centers on deeply personal relationships, the notions of warped time and attempted remembrance are located firmly in the collective experience of navigating isolation and time without its typical bounds. A human life is often seen as finite, with a clear start and ending, but the moments and connections throughout life often flow endlessly–and inextricably–into each other. My exploration of this phenomenon through these musical works hopes to shed light on this sense of infinite longing and uncertainty.

You can listen to Endlessness and my other musical work at my website:

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