Archaeological and Archival Projects

Below, we have collected a few of the past and present excavations and archival projects that focus on Rhode Island sites. Click each link for more details on the project.


The Archaeology of College Hill

Archaeology of College Hill, an ongoing fall term course and fieldschool for Brown undergraduates, has worked at multiple sites in the area immediately surrounding the Brown main campus. Begun in the fall of 2006 at the First Baptist Church in America, the field school moved in fall 2008 to the John Brown House Museum, and to the “Quiet Green” of Brown University in 2012. In Fall 2015, excavations began at Moses Brown School, on the East Side of Providence.  ARCH 1900 is offered by the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World and the Anthropology Department of Brown University.

An Archaeology of Rhode Island Hall

A multimedia site report for the archaeology of Rhode Island Hall at Brown University.

Dead Building Profiles

Mnemonic traces of 10 dead buildings from downcity Providence. This project was carried out by Adam J. Bravo as part of Archaeology in the Information Age, a course taught in the spring of 2007 at the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University.

Fox Point – Crook Point Project

An archaeological and ethnohistorical study in Providence, focusing on Crook Point on the banks of the Seekonk River as well as the eastern edge of Fox Point. This is an area that houses the abandoned East Side Railroad Tunnel and Drawbridge (a.k.a. “Crook Point Bascule Bridge”), and has the appearance of an urban wasteland. The project was carried out within the course ARCH 1150: Urbanism in the Archaeological Record, taught in the fall of 2007 at the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University.

Greene Farm Archaeological Project

An interdisciplinary research project researching five centuries of cultural and natural landscape transformations on one of the few remaining Providence Plantations in Warwick.

Interstate 95 (I-95) in Providence

A student project for ARCH 2100 Things! The Material Worlds of Humanity that traces of the effects of the national trend in highway construction and the dominance of the automobile in the city of Providence Rhode Island, specifically the constitution of the Interstate 95 and how it defines urban activity and landscape.

Rocky Point Amusement Park

A collaborative project carried out within the course ARCH 1800: Contemporary Issues in Archaeological Theory, taught in the spring of 2008 at the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University.

Self-Guided Tours in and of Providence, RI

Walking tours and virtual tours created by students, instructors, and staff in the the Joukowsky Institute of particular areas, industries, architectural features or styles, and/or cultures in and around Providence, Rhode Island.

Transformation of Rhode Island Hall

Multimedia documentation of the history and renovations of Rhode Island Hall at Brown University.