Brown Faculty ID Card and Electronic Services
Visitor Parking

Brown Faculty ID Card and Electronic Services

Every instructor with an active teaching appointment and employed through PCSUG is eligible to receive the Brown Faculty ID Card.

The Faculty ID Card allows instructors to access University electronic services (including Banner and email), library services, Canvas (Brown’s online course management system), and card-swipe access to certain buildings.

The access window for all non-Brown affiliated instructors (excluding on-line instructors) is from mid-May until the end of August.

Obtaining the Brown Faculty ID Card

  • To obtain the physical Brown Faculty ID Card, visit the Brown Card Office with a form of ID, such as a driver’s license or passport.
  • To obtain just the Brown ID number, instructors must contact the Brown Card Office. Instructors will be asked to verify some personal information before their ID number is issued.

Brown Card Office
60 Brown Street, Suite 511
Tel: 401-863-2273

Activating Your Brown Account
Once the Brown ID number is obtained, it has to be activated before instructors can access University electronic services.

  • Activate your Brown account. (If an instructor cannot activate their Brown account, contact the Computing Help Desk at 401-863-HELP.)
  • When activating your Brown account, make note of the USERNAME assigned to you and the PASSWORD you select. You will need this information to log in to Banner to access your class student roster when your course starts.
  • NOTE: Full card access takes 24-48 hours to take effect.
  • If you have successfully activated your Brown account but are still having problems logging into a service or viewing a class roster, contact Kathleen Dorian in the CIS department.

Visitor Parking

Instructors commuting to Brown campus have the following parking options:

Visitor Parking Garage
Lot 68 Visitor Parking Garage, 111 Power Street. Hourly and daily rates are available, payable via two pay stations. The pay stations accept credit cards and U.S. bills; the pay stations do not supply change so please use the exact amount of bills for the parking transaction.

Duration Rate
Monday – Friday 8:00am-6:00pm $3.00 / hour
All Day Rate (Monday – Friday 8:00am-6:00pm) $15.00 / day
Weekdays after 6:00pm, weekends, holidays $2.00 /  hour


Street Parking
Metered parking can be found on the streets in and around campus. Metered rates is 25 cents for every 12 minutes, for a maximum of 2 hours.

Please pay close attention to street signs that are marked for Brown-specific spaces, as these are reserved for Brown employees only and require a specific Brown daytime employee parking permit. Visitors shall not park in these spaces. Cars parked in these spaces without employee Brown University parking permits may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

ADA Visitor Parking
Brown maintains visitor spaces that meet ADA standards for accessibility in Lot 65 on Benevolent Street located between Thayer and Brook. Any valid state ADA placard can be utilized in any ADA space in the lot to park for FREE.

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