Course Detail Form
Classroom and Lab Assignments
Textbooks and Coursepackets
Course Supplies
Field Trips
Canvas Course Management System
Photocopy Budget
Guest Speakers
Course Detail Form
The Course Detail Form (CDF) captures the following logistical attributes required for each course with regard to classroom scheduling, computer lab needs, textbooks & coursepacks, course supplies, and field trips. Instructors will be emailed the CDF during the month of March to complete and submit for each of their course(s).
Classroom and Lab Assignments
Classroom and lab space resources on the Brown campus are limited. Requests for a specific building and room cannot be guaranteed. Classrooms and labs are assigned based on a number of factors: course enrollment, physical attributes based on instructional requests; space availability in a given time slot.
Most department classrooms are not controlled by the Scheduling Office. We encourage instructors to reserve Department classroom space directly with the their department manager. If department space has been arranged, notify so your class location can be updated in Banner.
NOTE: Most classrooms have a Computer Data Projector, with HDMI and/or AirMedia wireless connections. Instructors will be responsible for bringing their own laptop. For more information about installed classroom technology, contact Media Services.
Computer Labs
As with classrooms and labs, computer lab resources are very limited.
- There are three computer labs scheduled by the Scheduling Office: CIT 265 (24 PCs, 1 instructor station), CIT269 (12 PCs, 12 Macs, 1 instructor station) and CIT 267 (15 PCs and 1 instructor station).
- When requesting dates/times for a computer lab on the CDF, instructors are encouraged to be flexible with their schedule by requesting alternate dates/times to ensure that a computer lab can be reserved for their course.
- Instructors are encouraged to use departmental computer lab space if available.
Textbooks and Coursepackets
It’s important that instructors keep in mind the cost of required textbook(s) or coursepackets they require for their class. The course material costs should be appropriate for the length of the course and should serve the course curriculum.
For example, the cost of a textbook for a 1-week course should not exceed $100. Nor should students pay full cost for a textbook if only a portion of the textbook is covered in class. In this case, a coursepacket is a better alternative for covering the course material.
NOTE: STEM Program for Rising 9th & 10th Graders instructors: please order a coursepacket in lieu of a textbook.
Sample costing guidelines:
Length of course | Textbook(s) | Coursepacket |
1 or 2 weeks | < $100 | $30-$50 |
3-4 weeks | $100-$175 | $30-$80 |
How to order textbooks
- Instructors are responsible for ordering their textbook(s) through the Brown Bookstore – download the Course Material Order Form and email to: or fax to: 401-863-7094.
- Instructors who wish to receive a desk copy should make a request directly from the publisher.
- Textbook orders deadline: 6 to 8 weeks prior to your course start date.
How to order coursepackets
Brown’s Copyright and Fair Use Policy: Brown University expects that all members of the University community respect the rights of ownership of intellectual property by adhering to United States copyright law.
- Instructors are responsible for requesting their coursepacket through Brown University Copy Center using the Coursepacket Order Form. Brown University Copy Center requires an 8-week lead time to acquire copyright approvals for all articles listed in the coursepacket.
- Copyright approval is only valid for a year and must be re-acquired each summer. If an instructor is using the same coursepacket as the previous summer, a new Coursepacket Order Form needs to be submitted to include a note stating that the coursepacket is on file from the previous summer.
- Brown University Copy Center provides (1) free coursepacket desk copy for instructors for each course. If a course needs more than one desk copy (ex. for co-instructors, team instructors and/or TAs), include this request on the Coursepacket Order Form.
- Due to copyright policies, course material photocopies made elsewhere other than Brown University Copy Center (such as Allegra or FedEx Office) are not reimbursable to the instructor.
Brown University Copy Center contact: Tiziana Milano, (401) 863-3653.
Course Supplies
If you indicate that you require course supplies on the CDF, you will be sent the supply form separately. All requests for curriculum supported course supplies/materials are reviewed and approved by a Program Director.
- If your course uses disposable course materials, equipment, or technology that exceed normal allowance, consult with the Program Director to determine if your course requires a supplemental fee.
- PCSUG does not purchase class supplies for students. All students are expected to purchase their own class supplies (notebooks, pens/pencils, textbook(s), coursepacks, etc.).
- NOTE: NC-17 or R-rated DVDs, movies, video clips, graphics are not appropriate for students under the age of 17.
Course-related Reimbursements
Brown Pre-College will order all curriculum-supported supplies as communicated by instructors. Supply expenses for specific items that cannot be ordered on-line (eg. fresh fruit for a science experiment) are reimbursable to the instructor.
- Instructor emails with name and price of item(s) for review and approval by the Program Director.
- Once item(s) are approved, the instructor may purchase the item(s) and submit receipt(s) for reimbursement.
- Email the following information to
- Instructor Name
- Course Title
- Purpose of items purchased
- Scan of receipt(s) with clear Proof of Payment method. The receipt total must equal the reimbursement request amount. No personal items can be listed on the receipt.
NOTE: Instructors cannot be reimbursed for food or refreshments purchased for class activities, and are discouraged to do so in light of increasing numbers of student food allergies.
Canvas Course Management System
Canvas is Brown’s online course management system and offers tools to supplement an instructor’s course syllabus, including: content upload, collaboration, student communications, assignments and assessments.
- A Canvas shell is created for each summer course.
- Log in to Canvas to view your course. If your course isn’t showing on the dashboard, contact Instructional Technology Group to be added as the official instructor of the course.
- Create your Canvas course:
- Students are automatically enrolled to your Canvas course.
- Publish your course for student access.
Field Trips
Curriculum supported field trips, either walking or charter bus transport, are any instances an instructor escorts students outside of the assigned classroom during class time. (For example, if an instructor takes students to the Brown library as part of the course curriculum, this is considered a Field Trip). Field trips are subject to approval by the Program Director.
- Any field trip requests (walking trip or with charter bus transport) must be indicated on the Course Detail Form.
- A separate email will follow-up to request field trip details. All requests must be approved by the Program Director.
- Field trip details and logistics requiring charter bus transportation are confirmed at least one week prior to the field trip date.
- Please contact Karen Largess with questions regarding the planning or status of a field trip.
NOTE: Instructors are not permitted to transport students in personal vehicles. Charter buses will be ordered for all field trips requiring transportation.
Photocopy Budget
Each pre-college course has a photocopying budget of $5 per student at the Brown University Copy Center (approximately 60 copies single-side or 35 double-side copies per student).
- If an instructor’s copy costs will exceed this budget, they should arrange to order a coursepack from Brown University Copy Center
- Brown University Copy Center keeps a list of each course and corresponding instructor(s), and will bill the appropriate program accordingly
- Photocopies made at a copy center (Allegra or Fedex Office) other than Brown University Copy Center are not reimbursable due to copyright concerns.
Guest Speakers
To support their curriculum, instructors may arrange for individuals who are experts in their field to be a guest speaker/lecturer in their course.
- Instructors should email with detailed information about their guest speaker(s), including: full name, topics discussed, number of speaking hours, affiliation.
- There are 2 categories of guest speakers: Brown affiliated (Brown staff/faculty) or non-Brown affiliated (not employed by Brown).
- Brown Affiliated Guest Speakers cannot receive a monetary honorarium.
- Non-Brown Guest Speakers may receive an honorarium to be determined by a Program Director based on the extent of the guest speaker’s work in the course.