What is Project Daily?

  • Project Daily is a voluntary Brown University research study conducted by researchers in the School of Public Health.
  • This research is built upon the observation that alcohol use in young adults often occurs in social settings with peers. 
  • Our goal is to investigate the observations and experiences of young adults who are exposed to peers’ drinking. 
  • We are interested in what people notice about their friends’ behavior, how they react, and what aspects of the situation affect those reactions.
  • Participants in the study are compensated for completing short morning and evening surveys on their smartphones every day for two weeks.
  • This research is reviewed and approved by the Brown University Institutional Review Board (Study Protocol #00000022).

**You don’t have to drink alcohol to participate**

If I were a participant, what would I be asked to do?

If you are eligible and want to participate, you will…

  • Read and sign (online) an informed consent document
  • Complete a 20-30 minute online survey at the start of the study (we call this “baseline”)
  • Attend a 60-minute in-person meeting at 121 South Main Street, in Providence, RI, where you will receive an orientation to the study procedures
  • Complete 15 days of short reports on your phone (2-4 times a day, each taking 1-3 minutes)
  • These reports will ask questions about whether you are around others who are drinking, what you are observing, and what you think and do.
  • Complete a short online survey at the end of the study and attend a 30-minute Zoom exit interview to discuss your experiences
  • Earn up to $228 for participating (more here)

Are you interested? Click below:

See here for commonly asked questions and answers.

Contact Adria at projectdaily@brown.edu if you have questions.