Call for Papers

The Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) invites all scholars working in the field of social stratification and social mobility to contribute to the 2024 RC28 Summer Conference. The conference will take place on August 6-8, 2024 (with a welcome reception on the evening of August 5), hosted by Brown University. The meeting is organized with sponsorship from Population Studies and Training Center, Department of Sociology, Annenberg Institute for School Reform, and Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs China Initiative, Brown University. The conference theme is “Social Inequality and Public Policy.” Paper or poster submissions that address this theme are particularly encouraged, but all empirical and theory-driven submissions related to social stratification are welcome.

Please submit your extended abstract here. You can also visit the conference website for additional information, which we will add as it becomes available. Note that conference participants may only present one paper, but can be co-authors on other paper submissions. Please prepare an extended abstract (max of 1000 words, not counting references and tables/figures) including a clear description of the research question, the theoretical framework, the data and methods, as well as the main findings (including tables/figures). The abstract must be sufficiently detailed to allow the scientific committee to judge the merits of the paper. Please also include up to 5 keywords and choose the preferred format (oral/poster) for your contribution during the submission process. If you select both formats, your submission will first be considered for oral presentation and, if not accepted, then for poster presentation.

Abstracts must be submitted by February 16, 2024 (11:59pm EST). Authors will be informed about the committee’s decision by the end of March 2024. Please visit the conference website for further information on the conference, or email with any questions.

You do not need to be an RC28 member to submit your abstract, but you will have to be an RC28 member to participate.