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High Calcium Clinopyroxenes

Mössbauer data are available for most of these samples. The composition listed in each figure is the probed composition except for the few samples that were not probed (in this group, samples 032, 078, 060, 072, 084, 086). For those samples, the given composition is the composition targeted in synthesis. We have included those samples for reference, but please be advised that the actual composition may be off by as much as 10%. Click on the figures below to download an excel spreadsheet of the spectra.

When publishing these data, please reference:

Klima, R. L., M. D. Dyar, and C. M. Pieters (2011), Near-infrared spectra of clinopyroxenes: Effects of calcium content and crystal structure, Meteor. Planet. Sci., 46, 379-395, doi: 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01158.x.

VNIR: 5 nm sampling interval

Visible: 0.5 nm sampling interval