Center for Computational Biology of Human Disease
Computational Biology Core – Brown University
The COBRE-CBHD Computational Biology Core (CBC) integrates across multiple research focused Centers supporting data-intensive research using high-throughput DNA/RNA sequencing datasets. The CBC is a service focused Core Facility. The core is part of Bown University’s COBRE Center for Computational Biology of Human Disease. The center embraces the age of genomics medicine from an explicitly data-driven, computational perspective. By building a collaborative Center of empirical and computational scientists, we advance new discoveries, algorithms, and genomic screening approaches with direct relevance to several human diseases. The near-term, primary mission of the CBC is to support Junior Investigators in the analysis and interpretation of high-throughput DNA/RNA sequencing datasets, including data generated in their laboratories and large, publicly-available datasets. The Core also facilitates scientific interactions between the projects in the COBRE. The long-term goal of the CBC is to provide a sustainable resource to support data analysis challenges faced by genomic studies across Brown University and our Affiliated Hospitals. The Core also provides training for the broad research community to ensure the sustainability of the next cohort of junior investigators.
The Center for Computational Biology of Human Disease
Computational Biology Core
I am the Director for the Rhode Island INBRE Bioinformatics Core. My background is in environmental microbiology, groundwater metagenomics and the human oral microbiome. The Bioinformatics Core aims to provide expert consultation by developing informatics strategy for analysis of complex data sets for RI-INBRE-supported investigators, and educate faculty and students regarding bioinformatics approaches for their research in the RI-INBRE thematic areas. The Bioinformatics Core works closely with the INBRE Centralized Research Core Facility and the Genomics and Sequencing Center at URI to coordinate analyses that require multiple computational and experimental resources. We also maintain contact with other cores and user facilities in Rhode Island and New England and can refer you if your research needs can’t be met with available resources.
RI INBRE Bioinformatics Core

The Genomics Core Facility
Brown University
The Core is located at 70 Ship Street, Room 109, provides state-of-the-art genomics and proteomics equipment and services to researchers at Brown University, the entire Rhode Island research community and external customers.
Brown Genomics Core

Rhode Island Genomics and Sequencing Center
University of Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Genomics and Sequencing Center (RIGSC) was established to provide technical and analytical support for molecular biology and genomics research at the University of Rhode Island and all RI EPSCoR institutions. The mission of the RIGSC is to facilitate interdisciplinary genomics research and undergraduate and graduate student training opportunities by providing researchers access to cutting-edge technologies in the field of genomics.
RI Genomics and Sequencing Center