Chapter 8: The Western Promotional Self and the East Asian Effacing Self

Note 38:

Chinese Text Project:《道德經9》: 持而盈之, 不如其已; 揣而銳之, 不可長保。金玉滿堂, 莫之能守; 富貴而驕, 自遺其咎。功成身退, 天之道也。《道德經24》: 企者不立, 跨者不行; 自見者不明; 自是者不彰; 自伐者無功; 自矜者不長。


Note 39:

Same as the 2nd reference, Note 48, Chapter 4.


Note 42:

Analects 2.17: 知之为知之, 不知为不知, 是知也。


Note 43:

Same as Note 61, Chapter 3.


Note 44:

Same as Note 67, Chapter 3.


Note 45:

Same as Note 69, Chapter 3.


Note 53:

Same as Note 77, Chapter 6.