Note 9:
The literal back translation from the Chinese 死後還是存在, 還是不存在, Liang, S.-Q., 2001. 莎士比亚全集: 中英对照 32 [Complete collection of William Shakespeare: Chinese-English side-by-side reading. Vol. 32]. China Broadcasting Press, p. 135; 生存還是毀滅, Zhu, S.-H. (1994). 莎士比亚全集 5 [Complete collection of William Shakespeare. Vol. 5]. People’s Literature Press, p. 315; and 活下去還是不活, Bian, Z.-L. (2003). 卞之琳译文集(中) [Bian Zhilin’s translations of literature. Vol. 2]. Anhui Education Press, p. 21.