A Rapidly-Expanding Network of Public Health Practitioners
In just four years, STAT’s reach has expanded from 10 founding states to a robust nationwide network of public health leaders. In 2023 alone, over 1400 leaders from 52 states and territories participated in STAT sessions, facilitating cross-state dissemination and adoption of best practices and insights. This engagement remains resilient and growing, even as state public health teams transition. Even more importantly, states are translating their participation into tangible impacts on public health policy and practice.
OUR Reach
SINCE 2021
States and territories
unique participants
In a 2023 survey, STAT members indicated significant impacts from their participation in the network.
Felt less alone
“STAT has allowed me to connect with other professionals in my field. During the most difficult times, I never felt alone.”
made more informed decisions
“STAT provides a critical opportunity to elevate what’s top of mind around COVID-19 response efforts and how that aligns with strategy and efforts across the country.”
implemented new strategies
“The STAT Network has been incredibly helpful in our strategic decision-making and justification of policies we’ve made to LDH Leadership.”
Grew their network
“STAT has been an amazing clearinghouse and place to share experiences over the course of the pandemic. Lots of interactions and relationships have been born here that likely would not have occurred outside of this context.”
Received 1:1 help
“I have an established peer network because of STAT. We share concerns and help each other find solutions.”
Through STAT, information and best practices cross state lines. States can swap stories, lessons learned, and common pitfalls for other states to avoid. Several states have launched successful new programs modeled after what they learned from another state during a STAT session.
case study

Massachusetts uses Texas’ innovative CLIA waiver approach to enable a statewide school testing program.
Tests collected from students across Massachusetts
“Without the extensive collaboration between states that STAT created and fostered, we would have faced even greater difficulty standing up a viable statewide school testing program … we couldn’t have accomplished what we did as quickly as we did had Texas not figured out, implemented, and then shared knowledge about how they problem-solved for restrictive CLIA regulations in schools. We would never had known if STAT hadn’t brought us together.”
— Jeremiah Hay, Acting Chief of Staff, Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services
case study

Utah shares their indoor air quality strategy and implementation plans with states across the country.
States implement air purification programs, building from Utah's example
“We are launching an air purifier program similar to what Utah described in a July STAT call and the response has been tremendous. We are currently verifying the purchasing/bidding process and will hopefully have units in place in the next couple of months.
— Carleen Soule, Student Health Coordinator North Dakota Department of Health
State and federal information-sharing
The STAT network facilitates communication and information-sharing between states and the federal government. The STAT Network elevates state-level concerns to leaders in the federal government and facilitates bi-directional conversation between states and federal partners. Amid the emergence of the Mpox outbreak, for example, the STAT platform was leveraged beyond COVID to disseminate state and federal-level information, facilitating information-sharing and strategic action.
case study

STAT members participate in national survey to help to inform future federal stockpiling plans.
States provide stockpile status, quantities, plans, and concerns to federal partners
“The engagement and collaboration of the STAT partnership has been a key part of the success of the Biden Administration’s COVID-19 response efforts. The front-line insights from state and local testing leads have been critical for the coordination of federal, state, and local efforts around COVID-19 testing and therapeutics. STAT serves as an important model for ongoing rapid communication and collaboration.”
— Dr. Tom Tsai, Former White House COVID Testing and Treatment Coordinator