Brown TurboVote

Sign up at to register to vote, update your registration, request absentee ballot forms, and receive reminders about upcoming elections. TurboVote will even send you a pre-stamped envelope to mail in your ballot!

Rhode Island

Voter Information Center

Visit the Rhode Island Voter Information Center to find your polling place, check out the calendar for this election year, and learn more about voting, running for office, how elections work in Rhode Island, and more.
Rhode Island
Primary Election Dates

Rhode Island Primary: Tuesday, June 2, 2020.
To vote in the Presidential Preference Primary, you must have registered by May 3. To vote in the General Election on November 3, you must register by October 4, 2020.

Out of State
Primary Election Information

Not sure when your state’s primaries are?
Check out this 2020 Presidential Election Calendar

Political Activity at Brown University

Brown’s Office of Government and Community Relations outlines permitted use and restrictions of University facilities for political-related activity on campus by students and employees. Check out their resources web page and Political Activity Policy. Are you a Brown employee considering running for office? Here is the Candidate and Elected Official Management Plan.