In light of Brown’s transition to online learning, the U-FLi Center will be sharing narratives from the Class of 2020. We aim to affirm and honor graduating students’ time at Brown. Read about Peter Simpson (he/his) below:
What does it mean to you to be U-FLi?
I have thought about this question a lot, especially as I culminate my time at Brown. To me, it has meant strength, friendship and courage.
What communities at Brown have been influential in making it feel like a home?
I met the vast majority of my friends through the Bonner Community Fellows program! During my first year at Brown, it was helpful and conducive to having structured times to meet and see each other. These friendships continued to grow as many of us became Minority Peer Counselors (MPC) through the Brown Center for Students of Color (BCSC) and formed stronger bonds throughout our junior and senior years.
Advice you’d give your first-year self?
I would tell myself to reach out more (to students, faculty, staff) and form a support network. I would also have told myself to be less afraid to ask questions and more active in seeking out resources such as identity centers, professors and support staff.
People at Brown care about you and want to make your experience a rewarding one. For me, critical mentorship and strategic engagement were pathways to feeling more connected to the Brown community.
Favorite memory at Brown?
I remember my first year when SAO hosted the initial campus dance on Ruth Simmons Quad and I did karaoke with another first-year I met during Excellence@Brown. We recorded the whole thing and I still have it on my phone. It’s a nice memory to look back on- it feels long ago, but still brings me joy each time I rewatch it.
Who are you away from Brown/outside of the student identity?
I am in the process of discovering this self. I recently started learning to swim, and it’s encouraged me to try lots of new hobbies. At this point, I would not consider myself a “swimmer,” but it’s helped me to realize the importance of having a growth mindset, especially in new and unfamiliar situations.