Ian Y. Wong, Ph.D.

Ian Y. Wong, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Engineering
Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (by Courtesy)

E-mail: ian_wong AT brown.edu
Phone: (401) 863-5718
Office: Barus & Holley 747
Postal: 182 Hope St, Box D. Providence RI 02912
Administrative Assistant: Viola Crawford, vy_crawford AT brown.edu

Biomedical Engineering, Pathobiology Graduate Program, Legoretta Cancer Center, Data Science Institute


Ian Y. Wong received his A.B. magna cum laude in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University in 2003. He did his graduate work on the directed self-assembly of biomolecular materials with Nick Melosh, receiving a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University in 2010. His postdoctoral training in BioMEMS and cancer cell migration was with Mehmet Toner and Daniel Irimia at the Center for Engineering in Medicine of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School from 2010-2013. He joined Brown University as assistant professor of engineering in July 2013. He has been recognized with an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, a Damon Runyon Cancer Research Fellowship, the 2015 Brown University CareerLAB Pierrepont Prize for Advising, a 2017 Biomaterials Science Emerging Investigator, and a 2017 Lab on a Chip Emerging Investigator. He was also an Associate Scientific Advisor for Science Translational Medicine.

Related Links:

Google Scholar, NCBI Bibliography, Researchers@Brown, X @ianywonglab
Bluesky @ianywonglab