Tecwyn, E.C. & Buchsbaum, D. (2018) Hood’s Gravity Rules. In Vonk, J. & Shackleford, T. (Eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer. Categories: Other …Continue Reading Tecwyn, E.C. & Buchsbaum, D. (2018) Hood’s Gravity Rules. In Vonk, J. & Shackleford, T. (Eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer.
Buchsbaum, D., & Morse, D. M. (2012). The effect of experience and rearing environment on the behavior of crab spiderlings during their first few weeks of life. Behaviour, 149, 667-683. Categories: Other, Uncategorized …Continue Reading Buchsbaum, D., & Morse, D. M. (2012). The effect of experience and rearing environment on the behavior of crab spiderlings during their first few weeks of life. Behaviour, 149, 667-683.