Research Clubs

Research Clubs DPD Club Mission:   The mission of the DPD Club is to discuss the theory, computation and application of dissipative particle dynamics. Membership:  Xian Bian, Ansel Blumers, Hung-Yu Chang, He Li, Xuejin Li, Zhen Li, Lu Lu, Yu-Hang Tang, Alireza Yazdani. Fractional PDEs Club Mission:  The Fractional PDEs Club at CRUNCH group aims to formulate robust and efficient methods for…Continue Reading Research Clubs


Ongoing Projects PhILMS: Phyiscs-Informed Learning Machines – DOE/PNNL Hidden Fluid Mechanics – (with JHU) DARPA/AIRA DeepM&Mnet– (with JHU) DARPA/CompMods AFOSR/MURI  — Go to webpage AFOSR Computational Mathematics NIH/Yale Fractional PDEs for conservation laws and beyond: Theory, Numerics and applications – Army/MURI  Alliance for the Computationally-guided design of energy efficient electronic materials  (CDE3M) – ARL Scalable Framework for hierarchical design and planning…Continue Reading Research

Postdos, Students, and Visiting Scholars

Postdocs, Students, and Visiting Scholars Postdoctoral Research Associates Aniruddha Bora 170 Hope, Room 304 401-863-1447 Shengze Cai 170 Hope, Room 314 401-863-3719 Somdatta Goswami 170 Hope, Room 310 401-863-5288 Adar Kahana 170 Hope, Room 309 401-863-5767 Qian Huang 170 Hope, Room 310 401-863-5288 Guansheng Li 170 Hope, Room 310 401-863-5288…Continue Reading Postdos, Students, and Visiting Scholars