We are a group of developmental labs in the Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences Department at Brown University who study how children learn and think about the world around us.

Below we have provided a brief description of each of the research studies we are currently recruiting children to participate in.

Click on the link in the study description if you would like to learn more or sign your child(ren) up for the study!

All Studies

The Brown Language & Thought Lab

These games are for… children 1.5-6 years of age who speak English at home!

Location: Online and in-person

Duration: ~10-30 minutes

Description: One of the most remarkable things about humans is our ability to take a finite number of words and use them to generate an infinite number of new meaningful sentences. You may have never heard the sentence, “There are no bears on Mars”, but you have no trouble understanding what it means. Not only can you understand it, you can judge that it is very likely true and make conclusions on that basis: if there are no bears on Mars, that means there are no brown bears there, no bear cubs, no bears climbing Martian trees. How is it so easy for us to understand new sentences and think new thoughts, judge whether they’re true, and reason through to related thoughts and sentences? This is what we study at the BLT lab.

Learn More/ Sign Up Here! 

Music Machine Study

This game is for... children ages 3, 4, and 5 years who can speak and understand English

Location: In-Person at Our Lab

Duration: ~30 minutes

Description: This study involves playing a game with a special machine that plays music. Your child will have the opportunity to interact with the machine by placing different-sized blocks onto it and making it activate for various lengths of time. Your child will then be asked to try to predict what causes the machine to work.

Learn More/ Sign Up: https://calendly.com/cocodev-lab/blicket-machine-study

Exploring ‘The Adventures of Jessie, the Light Engineer’

This game is for... children 3-7 years of age, speaks and understands English

Location: In-Person at Our Lab

Duration: ~1 hour

Description: This study involves storybook reading and playful tasks designed to engage your child’s imagination and problem-solving skills. Your child will have the opportunity to listen to an imaginative story about a character who overcomes challenges through perseverance and creativity. After the story, your child will be invited to participate in a fun activity that involves matching pictures related to the story’s content and a small paper survey about their feelings. This study takes about 10 minutes.

Learn More/ Sign Up: https://calendly.com/candmlab/appointment

Who Would You Praise?

This game is for... children 5-8 years of age, speaks and understands English

Location: Online or In-Person at Our Lab

Duration: ~10 minutes

Description: In this study, we are interested in learning how children think about fairness and social reciprocity. Children will be guided through two stories about sharing and asked what one of the characters should do at the end of each story. This study only takes about 5 minutes.


Learn More/ Sign Up: https://calendly.com/candmlab/appointment

Fruit Ratings Study

This game is for... For children ages 5 and 7 years who and understand English

Location: In-Person at Our Lab

Duration: ~20 minutes

Description: This study is looking at how 5- and 7-year-old children learn about categories. This study involves playing a game on a tablet device (iPad). Your child will hear a story about a robot who is learning to draw different kinds of fruits. They will see drawings of fruits on the screen and be asked to rate how accurate the drawings are.

After the study, your child will receive a prize for participating in the form of a small toy.

Learn More/ Sign Up: https://calendly.com/cocodev-lab/fruit

Little Kids, Big Questions

This game is for... children 5-8 years of age, speaks and understands English

Location: Online or In-Person at Our Lab

Duration: ~10 minutes

Description: In this study, we want to know more about how young children reflect on the decisions they make, and the actions they take, in their everyday lives. We will introduce your child to a series of scenarios and ask them a few questions. There are no right or wrong answers to our questions–your child will be the star of the interview! This study takes approximately 10 minutes.

Learn More/ Sign Up: https://calendly.com/candmlab/appointment

Gardening Study

This game is for… children and adolescents ages 10-17 years old.

Location: Online

Duration: ~1.5 hours

Description: We study the how individuals are motivated, make decisions, and how they make decisions when the decisions require effort. We are recruiting paid volunteers for online computer-based experiments involving choice and cognition. To participate, your child must be 10-17 years old. The study is completed online and takes about 1.5 hours. During the study, your child would play a game on the computer and answer some questionnaires. Your child would be paid $10/hour for participating in this study.

Learn More/ Sign Up: https://brown.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4VC6n62IhB7UY3s