1. H.J. Gao, “Probing Mechanical Principles of Cell-Nanomaterial Interactions,” 2014, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 62, pp. 312-339.
  2. T. Zhang, Z.Q. Zhang, K.S. Kim and H.J. Gao, “An Accordion Model Integrating Self-Cleaning, Strong Attachment and Easy Detachment Functionalities of Gecko Adhesion,” 2014, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. 28(3-4), pp. 226-239.
  3. X.H. Shi, Q. Yin, N.M. Pugno and H.J. Gao, “Tunable Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Nanoscroll Crystals under Uniaxial Lateral Compression,” 2014, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 81, Art. No. 021014.
  4. X. Yi, X.H. Shi and H.J. Gao, “A Universal Law for Cell Uptake of One-Dimensional Nanomaterials,” 2014, Nano Letters, Vol. 14(2), pp. 1049-1055.
  5. I. Ryu, S.W. Lee, H.J. Gao, Y. Cui and W.D. Nix, “Microscopic Model for Fracture of Crystalline Si Nanopillars during Lithiation,” 2014, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 255, pp. 274–282.
  6. T. Zhang, X.Y. Li and H.J. Gao, “Defects Controlled Wrinkling and Topological Design in Graphene,” 2014, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 67, pp. 2–13.
  7. Y.J. Wei, Y. Li, L. Zhu, Y. Liu, X. Lei, G. Wang, Y. Wu, Z. Mi, J. Liu, H. Wang and H.J. Gao, “Evading the Strength–Ductility Trade-Off Dilemma in Steel through Gradient Hierarchical Nanotwins,” 2014, Nature Communications, Vol. 5, Art. No. 3580.
  8. G. Bao, Y. Bazilevs, J.-H. Chung, P. Decuzzi, H.D. Espinosa, M. Ferrari, H.J. Gao, S.S. Hossain, T.J.R. Hughes, R.D. Kamm, W.K. Liu, A. Marsden and B. Schrefler, “USNCTAM perspectives on mechanics in medicine,” 2014, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, Vol. 11, Art. No. 20140301.
  9. X. Yi and H.J. Gao, “Phase Diagrams and Morphological Evolution in Wrapping of Rod-Shaped Elastic Nanoparticles by Cell Membrane: A Two-Dimensional Study,” 2014, Physical Review E, Vol. 89, Art. No. 062712.
  10. S.J. He, Y.W. Su, B.H. Ji and H.J. Gao, “Some Basic Questions on Mechanosensing in Cell-Substrate Interaction,” 2014, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 70, pp. 116-135.
  11. R.H. Zhou and H.J. Gao, “Cytotoxicity of Graphene: Recent Advances and Future Perspective,” 2014, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, Vol. 6, pp. 452-474.
  12. A. Pena-Francesch, B. Akgun, A. Miserez, W.P. Zhu, H.J. Gao and M.C. Demirel, “Pressure Sensitive Adhesion of An Elastomeric Protein Complex Extracted from Squid Ring Teeth,” 2014, Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 24(39), pp. 6227-6233.
  13. H.F. Zhou, X.Y. Li, S.X. Qu, W. Yang and H.J. Gao, “A Jogged Dislocation Governed Strengthening Mechanism in Nanotwinned Metals,” 2014, Nano letters, Vol. 14(9), 5075-5080.
  14. T. Zhang, X.Y. Li and H.J. Gao, “Designing Graphene Structures with Controlled Distributions of Topological Defects: A Case Study of Toughness Enhancement in Graphene Ruga,” 2014, Extreme Mechanics Letters, Vol. 1, pp. 3-8.
  15. L. Chen, S.H. Chen and H.J. Gao, “Biomimetic Study of Rolling Transport through Smooth Muscle Contraction,” 2014, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Vol. 123, pp. 49-52.
  16. Z.Q. Zhang, B. Liu, Y.-W. Zhang, K.-C. Hwang and H. Gao, “Ultra-Strong Collagen-Mimic Carbon Nanotube Bundles,” 2014, Carbon, Vol. 77, pp. 1040-1053.


  1. Z.S. You, X.Y. Li, L.J. Gui, Q.H. Lu, T. Zhu, H.J. Gao and L. Lu, “Plastic Anisotropy and Associated Deformation Mechanisms in Nanotwinned Metals,” 2013, Acta Materialia, Vol. 61, pp. 217–227.
  2. X.Y. Sun, G.K. Xu, X.Y. Li, X.Q. Feng and H.J. Gao, “Mechanical Properties and Scaling Laws of Nanoporous Gold,” 2013, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 113, Art. No. 023505.
  3. P. Murali, R. Narasimhan, T.F. Guo, Y.W. Zhang and H.J. Gao, “Shear Bands Mediate Cavitation in Brittle Metallic Glasses,” 2013, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 68, pp. 567–570.
  4. S. Kumar, M.A. Haque and H.J. Gao, “Transformation Induced Toughening and Flaw Tolerance in Pure Nanocrystalline Aluminum,” 2013, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 44, pp. 121–128.
  5. H.M. Yao, Z.G. Song, Z.P. Xu and H.J. Gao, “Cracks Fail to Intensify Stress in Nacreous Composites,” 2013, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 81, pp. 24–29.
  6. I. Singh, T.F. Guo, P. Murali, R. Narasimhan, Y.W. Zhang and H.J. Gao, “Cavitation in Materials with Distributed Weak Zones: Implications on the Origin of Brittle Fracture in Metallic Glasses,” 2013, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 61(4), pp. 1047-1064.
  7. J. Qian, H.P. Liu, Y. Lin, W.Q. Chen and H.J. Gao, “A Mechanochemical Model of Cell Reorientation on Substrates under Cyclic Stretch,” 2013, PLoS ONE, Vol. 8(6), e65864.
  8. M. Diab, T. Zhang, R.K. Zhao, H.J. Gao and K.S. Kim, “Ruga Mechanics of Creasing: from Instantaneous to Setback Creases,” 2013, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Vol. 469, Art. No. 20120753.
  9. Z.D. Sha, Q.X. Pei, V. Sorken, P.S. Branicio, Y.W. Zhang and H.J. Gao, “On the Notch Sensitivity of CuZr Metallic Glasses,” 2013, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 103, Art. No. 081903.
  10. L.Y. Zhang, Y. Li, Y.P. Cao, X.Q. Feng and H.J. Gao, “A Numerical Method for Simulating Nonlinear Mechanical Responses of Tensegrity Structures Under Large Deformations,” 2013, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 80, Art. No. 061018.
  11. H.J. Lei, Z.Q. Zhang, F. Han, B. Liu, Y.W. Zhang and H.J. Gao, “Elastic Bounds of Bioinspired Nanocomposites,” 2013, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 80(6), Art. No. 061018.
  12. J.L. Wang, Y.J. Wei, X.H. Shi and H.J. Gao, “Cellular Entry of Graphene Nanosheets: the Role of Thickness, Oxidization and Surface Adsorption,” 2013, RSC Advances, Vol. 3, pp. 15776-15782.
  13. C.J. Huang, Y. Zhang, H.Y. Yuan, H.J. Gao and S.L. Zhang, “Role of Nanoparticle Geometry in Endocytosis: Laying Down to Stand Up,” 2013, Nano Letters, Vol. 13(9), pp. 4546-4550.
  14. B. Chen, J. Wang, Q. Gao, Y.J. Chen, X.Z. Liao, C.S. Lu, H.H. Tan, Y.W. Mai, J. Zhou, S.P. Ringer, H.J. Gao and C. Jagadish, “Strengthening Brittle Semiconductor Nanowires through Stacking Faults: Insights from in Situ Mechanical Testing,” 2013, Nano Letters, Vol. 13(9), pp. 4369-4373.
  15. Y. Cheng, N.M. Pugno, X.H. Shi, B. Chen and H.J. Gao, “Surface Energy-Controlled Self-Collapse of Carbon Nanotube Bundles With Large and Reversible Volumetric Deformation,” 2013, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 80(7), Art. No. 040902.
  16. Y.F. Li, H.Y. Yuan, A.v.d. Bussche, M. Creighton, R.H. Hurt, A.B. Kane and H.J. Gao, “Graphene Microsheets Enter Cells through Spontaneous Membrane Penetration at Edge Asperities and Corner Sites,” 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, Vol. 110(30), pp. 12295–12300.
  17. H. Haftbaradaran1, X.C. Xiao and H.J. Gao, “Critical Film Thickness for Fracture in Thin-Film Electrodes on Substrates in the Presence of Interfacial Sliding,” Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, Vol. 21, Art. No. 074008.
  18. M.E. Stournara, X.C. Xiao, Y. Qi, P. Johari, P. Lu, B.W. Sheldon, H.J. Gao and V.B. Shenoy, “Li Segregation Induces Structure and Strength Changes at the Amorphous Si/Cu Interface,” 2013, Nano Letters, Vol. 13(10), pp. 4759-4768.
  19. W.L. Zhang , Y. Lin , J. Qian , W.Q. Chen and H.J. Gao, “Tuning Molecular Adhesion via Material Anisotropy,” 2013, Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 23, pp. 4729–4738.
  20. L. Chen, S.H. Chen and H.J. Gao, “Flaw Tolerance in a Viscoelastic Strip,” 2013, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 80(4), Art. No. 041014.