1. S.H. Chen and H.J. Gao, “Non-Slipping Adhesive Contact of an Elastic Cylinder on Stretched Substrates,” 2006, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Vol. 462, 211–228.
  2. J. Qian and H.J. Gao, “Scaling Effects of Wet Adhesion in Biological Attachment Systems,” 2006, Acta Biomaterialia, Vol. 2, 51–58.
  3. M.J. Buehler, Y. Kong, H.J. Gao and Y.G. Huang, “Self-Folding and Unfolding of Carbon Nanotubes,” 2006, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Vol. 128, pp. 3-10.
  4. C.S. Han, A. Hartmaier, H.J. Gao and Y.G. Huang, “Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulations of Surface Induced Size Effects in Plasticity,” 2006, Materials Science And Engineering A, Vol. 415, pp. 225-233.
  5. M.J. Buehler and H.J. Gao, “Dynamical Fracture Instabilities due to Local Hyperelasticity at Crack Tips,” 2006, Nature, Vol. 415, pp. 307-310.
  6. J.Z. Wang, X.J. Fan and H.J. Gao, “Stretching of Short DNAs in Electrolytes,” 2006, Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, Vol. 3(1), pp. 13-20.
  7. J. Zou, B.H. Ji, X.Q. Feng and H.J. Gao, “Self-Assembly of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Water: Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” 2006, Nano Letters, Vol. 6(3), pp. 430-434.
  8. H.M. Yao and H.J. Gao, “Mechanics of Robust and Releasable Adhesion in Biology: Bottom-up Designed Hierarchical Structures of Gecko,” 2006, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 54(6), pp 1120-1146.
  9. H.M. Yao and H.J. Gao, “Optimal Shapes for Adhesive Binding between Two Elastic Bodies,” 2006, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 298(2), pp. 564-572.
  10. S.H. Chen and H.J. Gao, “Non-Slipping Adhesive Contact between Mismatched Elastic Spheres: a Model of Adhesion Mediated Deformation Sensor,” 2006, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 54(8), pp. 1548-1567.
  11. S.H. Chen and H.J. Gao, “Generalized Maugis-Dugdale Model of an Elastic Cylinder in Non-slipping Adhesive Contact with a Stretched Substrate,” 2006, International Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 97, pp. 584-593.
  12. H.J. Gao, “Application of Fracture Mechanics Concepts to Hierarchical Biomechanics of Bone and Bone-like Materials,” 2006, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 138, pp. 101–137.
  13. M.J. Buehler, H.M. Yao, H.J. Gao and B.H. Ji, “Cracking and Adhesion at Small Scales: Atomistic and Continuum Studies of Flaw Tolerant Nanostructures,” 2006, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 14 (5), pp. 799-816.
  14. B. Liu, L.X. Zhang and H.J. Gao, “Poisson Ratio Can Play a Crucial Role in Mechanical Properties of Biocomposites,” 2006, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 38 (12), pp. 1128–1142.
  15. J. Zou, B.H. Ji, X.Q. Feng, and H.J. Gao, “Molecular-Dynamic Studies of Carbon–Water–Carbon Composite Nanotubes,” 2006, Small, Vol. 2 (11), pp. 1348–1355.
  16. L.Y. Jiang, Y.G. Huang, H.Q. Jiang, G. Ravichandran, H.J. Gao, K.C. Hwang and B. Liu, “A Cohesive Law for Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Interfaces based on the Van Der Waals Force,” 2006, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 54(11), pp. 2436-2452.
  17. W.D. Shi, X.Q. Feng and H.J. Gao, “Two-Dimentional Model of Vesicle Adhesion on Curved Substrates,” 2006, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 22, pp. 529-535.
  18. N.C. Broedling, A. Hartmaier and H.J. Gao, “A Combined Dislocation-Cohesive Zone Model for Fracture in a Confined Ductile Layer,” 2006, International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 140(1-4), pp. 169-181.
  19. B.H. Ji and H.J. Gao, “Elastic Properties of Nanocomposite Structure of Bone,” 2006, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 66(9), pp. 1212-1218.
  20. M.J. Buehler and H.J. Gao, “Ultra-Large Scale Simulations of Dynamic Materials Failure,” Handbook of Computational and Theoretical Nanotechnology, eds. M. Rieth and W. Schommers, American Scientific Publisher, Vol. 2, Chap. 10, p. 427, 2006.
  21. M.J. Buehler, T.J. Balk, E. Arzt and H.J. Gao, “Constrained Diffusional Creep in Thin Copper Films,” Handbook of Computational and Theoretical Nanotechnology, eds. M. Rieth and W. Schommers, American Scientific Publisher, Vol. 5, Chap. 14, p. 215, 2006.
  22. B.H. Ji and H.J. Gao, “Mechanics of Nanocomposite Structures of Biological Materials”, Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology, eds. M. Rieth and W. Schommers, American Scientific Publisher, Vol. 9. Chap. 9, p. 455, 2006.
  23. H.J. Gao, B.H. Ji and H.M. Yao, “Nanostructures of Biological Materials,” in Nanostructure Control of Materials, eds. A. J. Hill and R. H. J. Hannink, Woodhead Publishing, 2006.
  24. M.J. Buehler and H.J. Gao, “Modeling Dynamic Fracture Using Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations,” Dynamic Fracture Mechanics, ed. A. Shukla, World Scientific, Chap. 1, pp. 1-68, 2006.
  25. W.D. Shi, H.J. Gao and L.B. Freund, “Modeling receptor-mediated endocytosis via mechanics of cell adhesion,” 2005, in Assembly at the Nanoscale — Toward Functional Nanostructured Materials, edited by C.S. Ozkan, F. Rosei, G.P. Lopinski, Z.L. Wang (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 910E, Warrendale, PA, 2006), Ra02-01-Rb02-01.
  26. X. Guo and H.J. Gao, “Bio-Inspired Material Design and Optimization,” 2006, in Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Vol. 137, IUTAM Symposium on Topological Design Optimization of Structures, Machines and Materials (Bendsøe et al., eds.), Part 12, Pages 439-453.


  1. H.J. Gao, X. Wang, H.M. Yao, S. Gorb and E. Arzt, “Mechanics of Hierarchical Adhesion Structures of Gecko,” 2005, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 37 (2-3), pp. 275-285.
  2. M.E. Kassner, S. Nemat-Nasser, Z.G. Suo, G. Bao, J.C. Barbour, L.C. Brinson, H. Espinosa, H.J. Gao, S. Granick, P. Gumbsch, K.S. Kim, W. Knauss, L. Kubin, J. Langer, B.C. Larson, L. Mahadevan, A. Majumdar, S. Torquato and F. van Swol, “New Directions in Mechanics,” 2005, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 37 (2-3), pp. 231-259.
  3. J.Z. Wang, T.M. Michelitsch, H.J. Gao and V.M. Levin, “On the Solution of the Dynamic Eshelby Problem for Inclusions of Various Shapes,” 2005, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 42 (2), pp. 353-363.
  4. T.M. Michelitsch, J.Z. Wang, H.J. Gao and V.M. Levin, “On the Retarded Potentials of Inhomogeneous Ellipsoids and Sources of Arbitrary Shapes in the Three-Dimensional Infinite Space,” 2005, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 42 (1), pp. 51-67.
  5. T.D. Nguyen, S. Govindjee, P.A. Klein and H.J. Gao, “A Material Force Method for Inelastic Fracture Mechanics,” 2005, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 53 (1), pp. 91-121.
  6. D.X. Cui, F.R. Tian, C.S. Ozkan, M. Wang and H.J. Gao, “Effect of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes on Human HEK293 Cells,” 2005, Toxicology Letters, Vol. 155, pp. 73-85.
  7. M.J. Buehler and H.J. Gao, “Computer Simulation in der Materialforschung – Wie Grossrechner zum Verstaendnis komplexer Materialphaenomene beitragen,” 2005, Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, Vol. 57 (11), pp. 593-601.
  8. R. Spolenak, S. Gorb, H.J. Gao and E. Arzt, “Effects for Contact Shape on Biological Attachments,” 2005, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, Vol. 461 (2054), pp. 305-320.
  9. B.N. Cox, H.J. Gao, D. Gross and D. Rittel, “Modern Topics and Challenges in Dynamic Fracture,” 2005, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 53 (3), pp. 565-596.
  10. W.L. Guo and H.J. Gao, “Optimized Bearing and Interlayer Friction in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes,” 2005, Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 19-34.
  11. A. Hartmaier, M.J. Buehler and H.J. Gao, “Multiscale Modeling of Deformation in Polycrystalline Thin Metal Films on Substrates,” 2005, Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 7 (3), pp. 165-169.
  12. C.S. Han, H.J. Gao, Y.G. Huang and W.D. Nix, “Mechanism-Based Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity—I. Theory,” 2005, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 53 (5), pp. 1188–1203.
  13. C.S. Han, H.J. Gao, Y.G. Huang and W.D. Nix, “Mechanism-Based Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity—II. Analysis,” 2005, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 53 (5), pp. 1204–1222.
  14. F. Kauffmann, B.H. Ji, G. Dehm, H.J. Gao and E. Arzt, “A Quantitative Study of the Hardness in a Superhard Nanocrystalline Titanium Nitride/Silicon Nitride Coating,” 2005, Scripta Materialia, Vol. 52 (12), pp. 1269-1274.
  15. M.J. Buehler, A. Hartmaier, H.J. Gao, M.A. Duchaineau and F.F. Abraham, “The Dynamical Complexity of Work-Hardening: a Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” 2005, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 21 (2), pp. 103–111.
  16. H.J. Gao, W.D. Shi and L.B. Freund, “Mechanics of Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis,” 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, Vol. 102 (27), pp. 9469-9474.
  17. X.H. Shi, Y. Kong, Y.P. Zhao and H.J. Gao, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Peeling a DNA Molecule on Substrate,” 2005, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 21, pp. 249–256.
  18. A. Hartmaier, M.J. Buehler and H.J. Gao, “Two-Dimensional Discrete Dislocation Models of Deformation in Polycrystalline Thin Metal Films on Substrates,” 2005, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 400–401, pp. 260–263.
  19. H.J. Gao and S.H. Chen, “Flaw Tolerance in a Thin Strip under Tension,” 2005, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 72 (5), pp. 732-737.
  20. J.Z. Wang and H.J. Gao, “A Generalized Bead-Rod Model for Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Wormlike Chains under Strong Confinement,” 2005, The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 123, 084906.
  21. J.Z. Wang and H.J. Gao, “A Simplified Formula of Laplace Inversion Based on Wavelet Theory,” 2005, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 21, 527–530.
  22. K.Y. Volokh and H.J. Gao, “On the Modified Virtual Internal Bond Method,” 2005, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 72, 969-971.
  23. H.J. Gao, B.H. Ji, M.J. Buehler and H.M. Yao, “Flaw Tolerant Nanostructures of Biological Materials,” Mechanics of the 21st Century, eds. W. Gutkowsky and T.A. Kowalewsky, Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 131-1138, 2005.
  24. O. Kraft and H.J. Gao, “Measurement of Stresses in Thin Films and Their Relaxation,” Diffusion Processes in Advanced Technological Materials, ed. Davendra Gupta, William Andrew Publishing, Springer, New York, Chapter 8, pp. 365-404, 2005.