Alger Fredericks, PhD

Alger Fredericks, PhD, Instructor of Surgery, Rhode Island Hospital, The Miriam Hospital, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Alger Fredericks, PhD, Instructor of Surgery, Rhode Island Hospital, The Miriam Hospital, The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University

“Using Deep RNA Sequencing as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool in the ICU”

Current clinical practices rely on physiological scoring systems to assess severity of illness and therapeutic responses. This application focuses on monitoring the immune response in ICU patients that lead to complications such as immunosuppression and subsequent infections, and resultantly life threatening scenarios. Here we propose to use deep RNA sequencing as a means to characterize the mechanisms of morbidity in ICU patients. In addition, we propose a new avenue for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic tools to allow clinicians to more effectively treat critically ill patients.

This study supported by COBRE Phase II PAR-23-063

About Dr. Fredericks

Dr. Fredericks is is a molecular and cellular biologist with a speciality in genomics, transcriptomics, and computational biology. Well rounded researcher with a strong background in traditional molecular/cellular biology and biochemistry techniques, with experience in workflow development and assay design, mentorship and teaching, and computational analytics. Brown University Ph.D recipient, junior faculty member at Brown University. Currently managing a developing computational core service in the department of surgical research at Lifespan in addition to independent research.