
Peter Smith, MBA is the lead developer of the LDP and an expert in leadership development. Since 1988, Peter has worked as an expert organizational consultant with senior managers, management, and work teams, committees, and work groups to help them achieve the results they want.
Lori Weaver, BA, MHSA, COD, is the new Commissioner at the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services with a strong focus on training and leadership development across all levels. Drawing upon 30 years of leadership roles, Lori has demonstrated exemplary expertise and success in achieving shared organizational goals and objectives.
Haner Hernandez, PhD, CPS, CADCII, LADCI is originally from Puerto Rico, is bilingual, and is an expert trainer with over 30 years in the health and human service field developing, implementing, and evaluating culturally and linguistically competent youth and adult health prevention, intervention, and recovery support programs.


Ginger Hobbs Lever, Ed. D. brings a career in individual and organizational development guided by the philosophy that learning is a transformative experience that occurs in the social context of the community and the workplace. Her professional experience includes leadership development and community engagement in education, nonprofits, and government.

portrait of Ginger Lever

Program Coordinators:


Raymond Sanchez is the Application and Project Coordinator for the New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) at the Center for Alcohol and Addictions Studies, Brown University School of Public Health. For the past 12 years, his main focus has been to coordinate and provide the latest evidence-based training and top-quality technical assistance for the addiction treatment and recovery professional workforce in New England in partnership with numerous federal, state, and local agencies.


Denise Adams, MBA is the Director of New England Projects for AdCare Educational Institute and has 32 years of experience in non-profit human services workforce development, training, and administration. Denise began working at the New England Institute of Addiction Studies 30 years ago, eventually serving as the Institute’s director and joined AdCare in 2017. Denise has organized 60 regional intensive New England Summer School programs, including the New England Leadership Development Program.


Mika Salas is the Operations and Communications Coordinator for the New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) at the Brown University School of Public Health’s Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies (CAAS). Mika has 3 years of experience in education that she applies to the Leadership Development Program by managing multiple online learning and communication platforms and assisting in facilitating each learning session.


Erin Burnett is the Co-Director (AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc.) for the New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center and Leadership Development Program Alumni from Cohort 2.


Madeleine Kemo is a Research and Administrative Assistant for the New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) at the Brown University School of Public Health’s Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies. Madeleine has 3 years of experience in psychology research which guide her role in the ATTC helping develop evidence-based training for providers treating people with substance use disorders. Madeleine Kemo headshot