- Music | Literary Arts
Music Capstone Project:
- On Track(ing)
In my time at Brown, I’ve gone slowly but steadily progressed toward becoming a more complete musician. When I arrived on campus as a freshman, I wanted to write songs, and maybe make beats in Logic. As I experienced the Music Department’s programming in Theory, Composition, and Studio Techniques, my tastes and goals have expanded considerably. In four years, I’ve run the gamut from releasing a song as a freshman that consisted entirely of computer generated sounds, plus my voice, to making the songs that comprise this capstone project, which all seek to capture the sound and feeling of a band playing live. Having developed my musicianship and engineering skills, I now feel that if I were to revisit the style I initially pursued, I could do so with hundred times more confidence and capability. There were a number of amazing people who inspired, encouraged, and instructed me through this period, and I could not have progressed in the way I’m so proud to have done without them. This probably definitely doesn’t belong in an abstract, but I want to thank Jim Moses, Enongo Lumumba-Kasongo, Ed Tomassi, Ron Sanfillipo, Ezemdi Akalonu, Mena Sachdev, Arlene Cole, Mark Steinbach, Linda Jiorle-Nagy, and Michelle Song for helping me find a path to personal and professional development that I will continue on long beyond graduation.
Watch and listen to this cover of “Crazy Little Thing Called Love,” produced by Liam Kerwin with his band Spicy Messy Heaven as a culmination of his Capstone Project.
[William Hawkins < previous senior]
[next senior > Leonardo Ko]