Max Luebbers

photo of Max Luebbers
Max Luebbers


  • Music | Computer Science

Music Award(s):

  • Coolidge Premium ’20

Music Capstone Project:

  • Alternative Web Interfaces for Ableton Live

Ableton Live is a music production software (often referred to as Digital Audio Workstation or DAW) that is used widely for its open and extensible nature. Especially when developing sets with complex interfaces and interaction mapping, Live’s deep integration with the flow-based language Max/MSP allows for a plethora of creative possibilities. Max is a deep and fully expressive language with graphics and networking support, but its non-traditional design makes it hard to employ software engineering patterns for extensibility. I developed a prototype for an engine and basic interface that would allow musicians to develop new interfaces for Live with JavaScript while employing basic software design patterns. The video is a live demonstration of the an interface interacting with Ableton. It is accompanied by guitar to show the tool’s potential as an instrument in a collaborative context.

Watch and listen to Max Luebbers’ Abelton demo:

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