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Photonics Research of Bio/Nano Environments

Author: cpolucha

Kimani Toussaint and Brown Technology Innovations share a vision to improve critical pulse oximeters

Pulse oximeters are small devices that clip onto your finger at a doctor’s office or hospital to measure blood oxygen levels. Unfortunately, these devices do not do an equitable job of producing accurate results across all skin tones.

Kimani Toussaint, senior associate dean for research and strategic initiatives at the Brown University School of Engineering, joined us on The Angel Nest Podcast to talk about this problem and the work he has done in his lab to find a solution — a device that works for all skin types.

Also joining us were Melissa Simon, director of business development – life sciences at Brown Technology Innovations, and Jenifer Perry, co-founder and CEO at Matilda Venture Studio.  Click here to listen

Toussaint takes home two honors from second annual Innovation@Brown Showcase

Senior Associate Dean for Research and Strategic Initiatives at the School of Engineering and Thomas J. Watson, Sr. Professor of Science Kimani Toussaint was awarded both Innovator of the Year and Innovation of the Year for his work with Brown Technology Innovations titled titled “Pulse Oximetry without Skin Tone Bias”. Read more here


Congratulations to Dr. Mitchell Harling for Successfully defending his Thesis

On Wednesday August 14, 2023, Mitchel Harling successfully defended his thesis titled “Novel aspects of partially coherent fields and their utility for transferring information through scattering channels”.

Congratulations Mitchell!

Professor Toussaint was a speaker at The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicines Committee on the Use of Race and Ethnicity in Biomedical Research

This was the third meeting of the Committee on the Use of Race and Ethnicity in Biomedical Research. The committee held a public workshop with invited speakers to explore different research contexts in which race and ethnicity arise and new research approaches and alternatives to using race and ethnicity categories.

Professor Toussaint was a featured Speaker presenting on Understanding the  Challenges in Developing an Equitable Pulse Oximeter.  Watch the meeting here. His talk starts at the 47:15 min mark

Professor Toussaint is Lead Author for the Optics Express Special Feature: “Amplify Black Voices in Optics and Photonics”

The significant underrepresentation of Blacks in optics and photonics with respect to authors, invited speakers, conference chairs, reviewers, associate editors and editors in chiefs of Optica’s journals demands special attention. In accordance with the Optica June 2020 Commitment to Change and independent statements from the Optica Leadership and the 2016-2020 Optica Ambassadors, a special feature issue to amplify Black voices in optics and photonics was proposed. While, by no means, is this a solution, it is a step in the direction of inclusivity to elevate the visibility of the researchers (and their work) belonging to our optics community.

Through this special issue we highlight the excellent and exciting research in optics and photonics led by some of the Black researchers in the field. It is our intention that this special feature will bring awareness to the research contributions from this community for both present and future optics researchers from all walks of life. Thus, with this special issue, we take a snapshot of this community with 13 selected papers across 5 Optica Publishing Group journals (Applied Optics, Biomedical Optics ExpressOptics ExpressOptics Letters, and Optica). A companion piece to this special feature was published in a May 2023 Optics and Photonics News feature Breaking Barriers, Advancing Optics [1].

The topics covered in this special feature represent a diverse range of research areas that include metasurfaces, fiber optic biomedical sensors, photoacoustics, optoelectronics, space-time optics, computational optics, and silicon photonics. To facilitate reading through the special feature, we have binned these topics into three broad categories: bioimaging and biosensing, on-chip photonics and optimization in photonic systems, and entangled photons and applications of structured light.

Read more here

Jillian’s Work on Two-Photon Polymerization was Accepted by Optics Express

Two-photon polymerization (TPP) is an advanced 3D fabrication technique capable of creating features with submicron precision. A primary challenge in TPP lies in the facile and accurate characterization of fabrication quality, particularly for structures possessing complex internal features. In this study, we introduce an automated brightfield layerwise evaluation technique that enables a simple-to-implement approach for in situ monitoring and quality assessment of TPP-fabricated structures. Our approach relies on sequentially acquired brightfield images during the TPP writing process and using background subtraction and image processing to extract layered spatial features. We experimentally validate our method by printing a fibrous tissue scaffold and successfully achieve an overall system-adjusted fidelity of 87.5% in situ. Our method is readily adaptable in most TPP systems and can potentially facilitate high-quality TPP manufacturing of sophisticated microstructures. Read more here

Krishangi Krishna’s poster took second place at Boston Photonics Day

Traditional optical tweezers rely on the use of continuous-wave laser sources with moderate to high optical powers, leading to unwanted thermal effects. Here, we demonstrate that a femtosecond laser can provide optical tweezing of microparticles using an average power as low as 80 uW. 

Our work on Interferometry was published in Optica

When using the Space-Time light sheet, the interferometer exhibits 23% higher phase stability compared to the Gaussian light sheet (GLS), and 80% higher stability when compared to the Gaussian beam (GB). We find that while both ST light sheet and GLS exhibit significantly higher phase stability than the GB, ST light sheets have the added advantage of being resistant to speckle generation when a thin diffuser is inserted in the interferometer. Additionally, we show that interferometry using the ST light sheet results in approximately 11× more accurate measure of an oxide thickness on the substrate than the Gaussian beam. Our findings provide a simple approach to improving the stability of optical interferometry for applications, such as high-precision length measurements, enhanced sensing, and quantum optical experiments

Read more here

Our TPL real-time monitoring work is featured on Optica’s front page

Jillian Sun’s work presents a new way to monitor two-photon lithography nanoscale fabrication could help improve the accuracy and efficiency of creating 3D engineered tissue scaffolds, according to a new study. Tissue scaffolds mimic the natural extracellular matrices found in the body, which creates a 3D environment ideal for tissue formation.

The article can be found here

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