Full Member

Any individual who has shown noteworthy achievement as an original investigator in a field of pure or applied science is eligible for election or promotion to full membership in the Society by a chapter or the Department Representative.

Noteworthy achievements in research specified for election or promotion to full membership must be evidenced by publications, patents, written reports, or a thesis or dissertation. Membership in the Society is neither linked to the possession of any degree nor contingent upon belonging to some other organization.

Qualifications for Full Membership

The qualifications for Full Membership for Faculty Members are described here:

a.  Any professor, instructor, or other member of staff who has shown noteworthy achievement as an original investigator in some branch of pure or applied science.

b.     Any professor, instructor, or investigator connected with a neighboring educational, scientific, or professional institution not having a Chapter, who would otherwise be eligible for active membership, is eligible as a non-resident member.

c.      Any associate within five years after graduation on the condition prescribed in (b) of this section.


For more information regarding nomination qualifications, or process please Contact Dean David Targan, david_targan@brown.edu .