In light of Brown’s transition to online learning, the U-FLi Center will be sharing narratives from the Class of 2020. We aim to affirm and honor graduating students’ time at Brown. Read about Noah Duncan (he/his) below:
What does it mean to you to be U-FLi?
I identify as a first-generation college student, and that meant that I was coming into college without having much idea of how it worked. Some of my family friends had been to college, but I still didn’t know how to approach a professor’s office hours or what “networking” was. These issues were amplified by the pressure of being at an Ivy League institution, where I often felt I wasn’t smart enough to be here. In the end though, graduating as a U-FLi student means that I have overcome these obstacles, and that’s a really good feeling.
What communities at Brown have been influential in making it feel like a home?
Soccer has been a great way for me to build community at Brown. Whether through IM soccer every single semester or RISD Midnight Soccer every Thursday night (would highly recommend, even if you have a 9am on Friday), I am thankful for the people that I’ve met simply through playing against them in sport. Combining exercise with friends was always great for my physical and mental health!
Advice you’d give your first-year self?
Put yourself out there. You belong here at Brown, and you are smart enough to be here. Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you from reaching out to professors and other students. Brown has a huge network that you should tap into. And, please, I know you want to do an applied math concentration, but seriously consider a concentration in the humanities on top of that. The classes are way smaller, and it will open your eyes to the world.
Favorite memory at Brown?
I don’t have one single memory that comes to mind, but the most fun I had was hosting game nights with my friends. We would play on the same table every time, and I would have people sign the table if it was their first time playing. That table, with all of its signatures, holds a lot of memories within it.
Who are you away from Brown/outside of the student identity?
I’m a positive and passionate guy from Michigan. I love being with my friends and family. My favorite activity is trying to make people laugh. I hope that I can use my Brown education to make a positive impact in the world.