Elizabeth Chen, PhD, FACMI

Dr. Liz chen
Dr. Elizabeth Chen, Associate Professor of Medical Science and Health Services, Policy, and Practice, Brown University | Interim Director, Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics | Director, Advance-CTR Biomedical Informatics, Bioinformatics, and Cyberinfrastructure Enhancement Core

Breakout Session: “The Biomedical and Health Data Science Ecosystem in Rhode Island”
Presented in conjunction with Dr. Chris Hemme and panelists

The ecosystem of biomedical data science is massive and highly interconnected. Knowing the various subfields, how they interact, and what information they can provide us is essential for taking full advantage of the field.

About Dr. Chen

Dr. Chen is Interim Director of the Brown Center for Biomedical Informatics (BCBI), Associate Professor of Medical Science, and Associate Professor of Health Services, Policy & Practice at Brown University. Dr. Chen’s research involves involves leveraging electronic health data along with health information and communications technology to support biomedical discovery and healthcare delivery. Specific research interests include clinical documentation, clinical decision support, health information needs, standards and interoperability, natural language processing (NLP), and data mining and machine learning.