Life in the Mani Lab
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Mani lab Halloween 2024!
October 31st, 2024
The lab went as lab mice for Halloween! Claire and Breanna were Knock Out mice with their boxing gloves and black eyes. Others were GEMMs with gems on their faces. Nick was a Black 6 mouse. It was a ton of fun!
October Mani Lab Walk for Cancer Awareness at Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge
October 5th, 2024
For October’s Walk for Cancer Awareness, the lab went to the beautiful Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge! It was a beautiful day and trail. We walked the trail, practiced Yoga, and went to the shore to skip rocks and see the wild shrimp and crabs! Some even let the shrimp clean their hands and feet!
The Mani lab welcomes Divya and Pradheep to the lab!
September 25th, 2024
Mani took the lab out to CAV for lunch to welcome Divya and Pradheep to the lab. Divya joins us as an Assistant Professor to spearhead the lab’s Pancreatic Cancer efforts, while Pradheep is joining the lab as a visiting scientist. Welcome aboard, Divya and Pradheep!
Diana's birthday!
August 12th, 2024
We celebrated Diana’s birthday! Happy birthday Diana!
Second Annual Translational Oncology Symposium organized by Mani
August 14th, 2024
Mani organized an amazing conference titled “The Ins and Outs of Cancer.” We had excellent speakers who gave some amazing talks! Thanks to all of those who helped make this symposium happen!
August Mani lab Cancer Awareness Walk at Goddar State Park Rhode Island
August 3rd, 2024
Mani’s monthly Cancer Awareness Walk went to Goddard State Park. The weather was perfect, and we had a great time!
Big trainee presentation day for the Mani lab
August 1st, 2024
Multiple Mani lab trainees presented their research as posters or presentations. Ege gave an excellent presentation for his research program. Meanwhile, Mercy, Yumi, and Lily presented their posters at a summer undergraduate research symposium. Great job all around, everyone!
The Mani lab goes to Bob and Amy Weinberg's cabin for a cook out
July 27th, 2024
Bob and Amy Weinberg invited alumni and the Mani lab to their beautiful cabin for their annual cookout. We met with Bob, his family, and his lab/alumni. Additionally, we played a friendly game of soccer, ate some delicious food, and went on a beautiful hike through their fields. Thanks so much to Bob and Amy for hosting everyone!
Walk for cancer awareness at Lincon Woods State Park
July 20th, 2024
The Mani lab began a monthly Cancer Awareness Walk at Lincon Woods State Park. Each month, we select a new location in Rhode Island and walk together to promote cancer awareness. It is great to get out and connect with others in the lab as well as people who are involved with Leadership Rhode Island.
Mani invited the lab to his new house for the 4th of July!
July 4th, 2024
Mani invited the lab to his new house for the Fourth of July. We had a great time, ate some delicious food, played games in the backyard, and lit some sparklers!
Happy birthday Ege!
June 21st, 2024
We celebrated Ege’s birthday! Ege is an MD/Ph.D. student in the Mani lab. We hope you have a great year, Ege!
Breanna passes her quals!
May 31st, 2024
Breanna passed her qualifying exam to become a Ph.D. Candidate. Congrats Breanna!
Surprise party for Mani to celebrate his 2008 Cell paper crossing 10,000 citations!!!
May 23rd, 2024
SERIOUSLY?! The Mani lab researchers surprised Mani with a party celebrating that his 2008 Cell paper passed 10,000 citations! Wow, what a milestone and achievement! Congratulations Mani!
Matt and Lily join the lab
May 21st, 2024
The Mani lab went to lunch to welcome Matt (research assistant) and Lily (undergraduate researcher) to the lab. Welcome aboard, you two!
Joanna passes her quals!
April 30th, 2024
Joanna passed her qualifying exam to become a Ph.D. Candidate. Congrats Joanna!
Thiru's baby shower!
April 26th, 2024
The Mani lab threw a baby shower for Thiru and Anitha. About a month later, they welcomed their second child, and both mother and daughter were healthy! Congrats to your family!
Rotating Pathobiology graduate students present!
April 13th, 2024
Diana, Madison, and Daniela presented their research from their rotation in the lab. You all did an excellent job during your rotations and presented very well!
Orly presents her undergraduate research poster
April 17th, 2024
Orly presented her poster: “The role of ESPR1 in Stemness via the FOXC2 Axis.” Great job, Orly!
Eclipse back in Rhode Island
April 8th, 2024
While part of the lab was at AACR 2024, Petra and others stayed in the lab at Brown. They were rewarded with an awesome solar eclipse, which others didn’t see very well in San Diego.
Mani lab at AACR 2024 in San Diego!
April, 2024
Mani, Nick, Breanna, Joanna, and Diana flew to San Diego for AACR. Joanna and Breanna did a great job presenting their posters. There were lots of great talks and ideas there! We also went to the San Diego Zoo!
Nick presents his work at the Legorreta Cancer Center Symposium
March 7th, 2024
Nick presented his recent publication in Cell Reports and additional projects he worked on at the LCC symposium. Great job, Nick!
Claire performs with the Providence Medical Orchistra!
March 2nd, 2024
Claire played the flute and the piccolo for the Providence Medical Orchestra. Your practice paid off; great job, Claire!
Mani lab MCB rotating grad students present their work
March 1st, 2024
Mani lab rotating graduate students from the Department of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology & Biochemistry (MCB) presented their research. These students are: Andrew Karam, Vasundhara “V” Singh, and Brianna Pendergrass. Everyone did a great job and thanks for your hard work during your rotation!
Mani lab lunch at CAV!
February 28th, 2024
Mani took the lab out to lunch at the CAV. We welcomed Ege, our MD/Ph.D. student, to the lab! Welcome Ege!
Claire presents at the Cancer Biology Program Retreat!
February 20th, 2024
Claire was selected to present at the Lightening Talks by Students at the annual cancer biology retreat. She did a great job presenting and showcasing the work at the Mani lab. Great job Claire!
Happy Birthday Julia!
February 15th, 2024
We celebrated Julia’s birthday! Julia is a graduate student in the Mani lab. We hope you have a great year, Julia! (p.s. What is Nick doing in the background???)
Mani lab party at Claire's!
February 10th, 2024
Claire invited the Mani lab and their significant others over to her place for a party. It was a great time and we played some really fun board games and video games! Thanks for hosting us Claire!
Happy Birthday Breanna!
December 18th, 2023
We celebrated Breanna’s birthday. Breanna is a graduate student in the Mani lab. We hope you have a great year, Breanna!
Mani lab 2023 Holiday party at the Hope Club
December 15th, 2023
The Mani lab celebrated the holidays at the Hope Club. It was a wonderful time with a lot of excellent conversations. The crowd was much larger than our previous holiday party. It is amazing how much the Mani lab has grown over the past year. Happy Holidays everyone!
Building Gingerbread Houses with the lab and talking with Dr. Weinberg
December 1st, 2023
For the Holiday, we split into teams of two to build Gingerbread Houses. Which do you like more?
Also, Bob and Amy Weinberg stopped by to visit the lab and talk to the trainees. It is always a delight to meet with them!
Cheesecake Factor dinner for Kitti's last day in lab before her internship
December 12th, 2023
Several Mani lab trainees went to Cheesecake Factory to send Kitti off for her 6-month internship. Good luck, Kitti, and we look forward to you coming back to the lab!
Packed house for lab meeting!
December 1st, 2023
Our lab meeting was packed with the Mani lab members as Julia presented her research. Great job, Julia, and thank you for the snacks!
Petra and Julie's birthday party
November 28th, 2023
We celebrated Julie and Petra’s birthday party. Happy Birthday, you two!
Lab Halloween and celebrating Joanna's birthday
October 31st, 2023
The lab dressed up as Traffic Cones for Halloween. Claire also brought in a real traffic cone for us to ramp up our costumes. We also celebrated Joanna’s birthday, leading to some awesome and unique group pictures!
Visitor weekend at West Place Animal Sanctuary part 2
October 8th, 2023
Nick, Joanna, and their significant others came out to the West Place Animal Sanctuary visitor weekend. Petra volunteers weekly at the shelter and gave us a tour of the animals. Thanks for your volunteer work and showing us around, Petra!
Mani lab lunch at Jackie's Waterplace
October 5th, 2023
The lab went to lunch at Jackie’s for some great sushi. This was also the first time the lab got to meet our upcoming rotating graduate students.
Tumor Plasticity in Diagnosis and Treatment Symposium
September 21st and 22nd, 2023
The lab attended the Tumor Plasticity in Diagnosis and Treatment Symposium organized by Mani and the Legorreta Cancer Center. This two-day conference was full of wonderful presentations and excellent discussions all around.
LCC Lab Member Picnic at Colt State Park
September 10th, 2023
The Mani lab hosted the Legorreta Cancer Center researchers and their families at the Colt State Park. The food, games, and conversations were excellent with plenty of fun memories.
Dr. Weinberg outing at his cabin in New Hampshire
August 21st, 2023
The Mani lab had the pleasure of visiting the Weinberg lab group members at Dr. Weinberg’s cabin in the woods. The beautiful scenery, wonderful company, delicious food, and interesting conversations made for a lovely experience. Thank you to the Weinberg lab for organizing the event and to Bob and Amy for being excellent hosts. We truly had a great time!
Joanna and Breanna present at the MCBGP retreat
September 1st, 2023
Ph.D. students Joanna and Breanna presented at the Molecular, Cell, and Biochemistry Graduate Program Retreat. Great job, you two!
Welcome back from your Trip, Mani!
August 1st, 2023
We welcomed Mani back from his trip to Europe and India with a surprise party and lunch at CAV. We are glad you and your family had a great time and a safe trip!
Nya presents her poster at the end of her Summer Research
July 29th, 2024
Nya did an excellent job working on her project and presenting her data. Good luck with your future endeavors, Nya, and thank you for your hard work!
Happy birthday Thiru!
July 21st, 2023
We celebrated Thiru’s birthday in the lab with cake and brownies.
Lab coffee break at Seven Stars!
July 1st, 2024
Visitor weekend at West Place Animal Sanctuary
June 4th, 2023
The Animal Sanctuary that Petra volunteers at had a visitor weekend and Joanna stopped by to support this great cause. Thanks for your volunteer work, Petra!
Claire joins the lab!
June 6th, 2023
We are happy to have Claire join our lab as a research assistant. Welcome Claire, we look forward to working with you!
Happy birthdays Lisa and Adam!
April 28th, 2023
We celebrated Lisa and Adam’s birthday hosted by Nick. We have a lot of Spring birthdays in the lab, but that just means more cake! Happy birthday you two!
Happy birthday Dr. Mani!
April 13th, 2023
We celebrated Dr. Mani’s birthday with a great chocolate cake. Happy birthday Mani and have a great year!
Breanna and Joanna present their rotation talks and join the lab!
May 12th, 2023
Breanna and Joanna’s 10-week rotation in the Mani lab concluded with a presentation for their cohort. Both did an excellent job presenting the research that they performed during their rotations. Also, both Breanna and Joanna joined the Mani lab as graduate students! We are excited to continue working with you two!
Holiday gathering of the Mani lab members at the Hope Club
December 23rd 2022
Mani lab members, amazing colleagues, and friends, including the Cancer Center director Dr. El Deiry, had a holiday celebration at The Hope Club. The Mani lab wishes everyone Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!

The Mani lab's first outing in Rhode Island
Dec. 2nd 2022
The Mani lab went to Seven Stars Bakery in Providence for our first of many outings after moving to Brown!

Busy day in the lab with Summer Students
July 6th 2022
All hands on deck for a day of research in the lab! Multiple undergraduate Summer students were working in the lab during a 10-week program.

Surprise cake from 2022 Summer Students
Aug. 12th, 2022
Summer students Rael, Michale, and Reethi surprised us with a chocolate cake near the end of the Summer research program. Thanks guys!

Bridal shower at the lab
April 6th, 2022
The Mani lab members threw a surprise bridal shower for Petra. Congrats, Petra and Stephanie!
Assembled and maintained by Nick Kuburich, Ph.D.