Adea Rich and Hwamee Oh. [preprint] bioRxiv (2025) 2025.01.27.635113.
Theresa M. Harrison, Tyler Ward, Jacinda Taggett, Pauline Maillard, Samuel N Lockhart, Youngkyoo Jung, Laura C. Lovato, Robert Koeppe, William J. Jagust, Danielle Harvey, Joseph Masdeu, Hwamee Oh, Darren R. Gitelman, Neelum Aggarwal, Mark Espeland, Jo Cleveland, Rachel Whitmer, Sarah Farias, Stephen Salloway, Valory Pavlik, Melissa Yu, Christine Tangney, Heather Snyder, Maria Carrillo, Laura D. Baker, Prashanthi Vemuri, Charles DeCarli, Susan M. Landau, for the U.S. POINTER Study Group.
[in press]Utility of cerebrovascular imaging biomarkers to detect cerebral amyloidosis
Nelly Joseph-Mathurin, Rebecca L. Feldman, Ruijin Lu, … Hwamee Oh, Richard Perrin, Alan E. Renton, John M. Ringman, Andrew J. Saykin, Peter R. Schofield, Yi Su, Charlene Supnet-Bell, Jonathan Vöglein, Igor Yakushev, John C. Morris, Eric McDade, Chengjie Xiong, Randall J. Bateman, Jasmeer P. Chhatwal, Tammie L.S. Benzinger for the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Apr;20(4):2680-2697.
Rahmani, F., Brier, M. R., Gordon, B., McKay, N., Flores, S., Keefe, S., Hornbeck, R., Ances, B., Joseph-Mathurin, N., Xiong, C., Wang, G., Raji, C., J, J., L.-G., Perrin, R. J., McDade, E., Daniels, A., Karch, C., Day, G. S., Brickman, A., Fulham, M., Jack, C., la Fougère, C., Reischl, G., Schofield, P., Oh, H., Levin, J., Vöglein, J., Cash, D., Yakushev, I., Ikeuchi, T., Klunk, W., Morris, J. C., Bateman, R. J., Benzinger, T. L. S.. Hum Brain Mapp. 2023 Dec 15;44(18):6375-6387.
Optimizing quantification of MK6240 tau PET in unimpaired older adults
Theresa M. Harrison, Tyler J. Ward, Alice Murphy, Suzanne L. Baker, Pablo A. Dominguez, Robert Koeppe, Prashanthi Vemuri, Samuel N. Lockhart, Youngkyoo Jung, Danielle J. Harvey, Laura Lovato, Arthur W. Toga, Joseph Masdeu, Hwamee Oh, Darren R. Gitelman, Neelum Aggarwal, Maria Carillo, Laura D. Baker, Charles DeCarli, William J. Jagust, Susan M. Landau, for the U.S. POINTER Study Group. Neuroimage [Epub].
Jenna Blujus and Hwamee Oh. [preprint] bioRxiv (2022) 2022.06.16.496466.
Jenna Blujus, Michael W. Cole, Elena K. Festa, Stephen L. Buka, Stephen P. Salloway, William C. Heindel, and Hwamee Oh. [preprint] bioRxiv (2022) 2022.06.18.496543.
Extraversion is associated with lower brain amyloid deposition in cognitively normal older adults.
Hwamee Oh (2022). Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience,14:900581. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.900581
Jessica Alber, Dominique Popescu, Louisa Thompson, Gina-Marie Tonini, Edmond Arthur, Hwamee Oh, Stephen Correia, Stephen Salloway, Athene Lee. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. [Ahead of Print].
Modeling autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease with machine learning.
Patrick Luckett et al. (2021). Alzheimer’s & Dementia [Ahead of Print].
Aylin Dincer et al. (2020). Neuroimage: Clinical [Early Access]
Sofia Finsterwalder et al. (2020). Alzheimer’s & Dementia [Ahead of Print].
Multiple pathways of reserve simultaneously present in cognitively normal older adults.
Hwamee Oh, Qolamreza R. Razlighi, Yaakov Stern (2018). Neurology. 90(3), 197-205.
Dynamic patterns of brain structure-behavior correlation across the lifespan.
Qolamreza Razlighi, Hwamee Oh, Christian Habeck, Deirdre O’Shea, Elaine Gazes, Teal Eich, David B. Parker, Seonjoo Lee, Yaakov Stern (2017). Cerebral Cortex, 27(7), 3586-99.
Hwamee Oh, Cindee Madison, Suzanne Baker, Gil Rabinovici, William Jagust (2016). Brain, 139 (8): 2275-2289.
Hwamee Oh, Jason Steffener, Ray Razlighi, Christian Habeck, Yaakov Stern (2016). The Journal of Neuroscience, 36(6), 1962-70.
Functional brain and age-related changes associated with congruency in task switching.
Teal S. Eich, David Parker, Dan Liu, Hwamee Oh, Qolamreza Razlighi, Yunglin Gazes, Christian Habeck, Yaakov Stern. (2016). Neuropsychologia, 91: 211-221
Abeta-related hyperactivation in fronto-parietal control regions in cognitively normal elderly.
Hwamee Oh, Jason Steffener, Qolamreza R. Razlighi, Christian Habeck, Dan Liu, Yunglin Gazes, Sarah Janicki, Yaakov Stern (2015). Neurobiology of Aging. 36(12), 3247-54.
Neural compensation in older people with brain Abeta deposition.
*Jeremy Elman, *Hwamee Oh, Cindee M. Madison, Suzanne L. Baker, Jacob W. Vogel, Shawn M. Marks, Sam Crowley, James P. ONeil, William J. Jagust (2014). Nature Neuroscience, 17(10): 1316-8. *co-first authors.
Association of gray matter atrophy with age, beta-amyloid, and cognition in aging.
Hwamee Oh, Cindee Madison, Sylvia Villeneuve, Candace Markley, & William J. Jagust (2014). Cerebral Cortex, 24(6): 1609-18.
Hwamee Oh, Christian Habeck, Cindee Madison, & William J. Jagust (2014). Human Brain Mapping, 35(1): 297-308.
Rik Ossenkoppele, Cindee Madison, Hwamee Oh, Miranka Wirth, Bart N.M. van Berckel, William J. Jagust (2014). Cerebral Cortex, 24(8): 2210-8.
Hwamee Oh & William J. Jagust (2013). The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(47), 18425-37.
Miranka Wirth, Sylvia Villeneuve, Claudia M. Haase, Cindee Madison, Hwamee Oh, Susan Landau, Gil Rabinovici, William J. Jagust (2013). JAMA Neurology, 70(12):1512-9.
Meta-Analysis of Amyloid-Cognition Relations in Cognitively Normal Older Adults.
Trey Hedden, Hwamee Oh, Alayna P. Younger, and Tanu Patel (2013). Neurology, 80(14), 1341-8.
Miranka Wirth, Cindee Madison, Gil Rabinovici, Hwamee Oh, Susan Landau, William J. Jagust (2013). The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(13), 5553-63.
Miranka Wirth, Hwamee Oh, Beth Mormino, Candace Markley, Susan Landau, & William J. Jagust (2013). Alzheimer’s & Dementia. 9(6): 687-698.
Xufeng Han, Alexander C. Berg, Hwamee Oh, Dimitris Samaras, Hoi-Chung Leung (2013). NeuroImage, 73, 8-15.
Effects of age and beta-amyloid on cognitive changes in normal elderly people.
Hwamee Oh, Cindee Madison, Thaddeus J. Haight, Candace Markley, & William J. Jagust (2012). Neurobiology of Aging, 33(12), 2746-55.
Association of lifetime cognitive engagement and low beta-amyloid deposition.
Susan M. Landau, Shawn M. Marks, Elizabeth C. Mormino, Gil D. Rabinovici, Hwamee Oh, Robert S. Wilson, & William J. Jagust (2012). Archives of Neurology, 69(5), 623-29.
Beta-amyloid affects frontal and posterior brain networks in normal aging.
Hwamee Oh, Elizabeth C. Mormino, Cindee Madison, Amynta Hayenga, Andre Smiljic, & William J. Jagust (2011). NeuroImage, 54(3), 1887-1895.
2010 and previous years
Hwamee Oh & Hoi-Chung Leung (2010). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(2), 292-306.
An effect of WM load on visual search guidance: Evidence from eye movements and functional brain imaging.
Hyejin Yang, Hwamee Oh, Hoi-Chung Leung, & Gregory J. Zelinsky (2008). Journal of Vision, 8(6), 316a.
Load response functions in the human spatial working memory circuit during location memory updating.
Hoi-Chung Leung, Hwamee Oh, Jamie Ferry, & Yuji Yi (2007). NeuroImage, 35, 368-377.
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