Frequently Asked Questions

Interviews last approximately one hour and can be recorded in person or via Zoom. Some questions typically asked include: why did you decide to attend Brown? What are some of your first memories of your time on campus? What are some high points or low points of your time on campus? However, this is a moment for you to share whatever you'd like about your time at Brown for the historical record.

Yes. All interviewees must complete a Gift and Release Agreement prior to recording their interview. The Agreement states that audio and video recordings and the photographs and transcripts resulting from interviews become part of the Christine Dunlap Farnham Archive in the John Hay Library, where they are made available for use by researchers. They may also be used for public presentations including research reports, audio and visual documentaries, websites, publications, exhibits, and other educational and scholarly uses as the Pembroke Center and Brown University Library shall deem appropriate. The form releases Brown University from claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the observations, memories, and experiences related in the interview, including, but not limited to, any and all claims of libel, slander, and invasion of privacy. The form also allows the Pembroke Center to use a photograph of the interviewee to accompany the oral history on this website and for other print and web communications related to Brown University and the Pembroke Center Archives. Finally, the form grants all literary and intellectual property to Brown University.

Some interviewees decide to restrict access to their interviews for various reasons. To request access to a restricted interview, email

Publication permission can be granted by the Pembroke Center Archivists because all literary and intellectual rights to each interview is signed over to the University in the Gift and Release Agreement. For publication permission, email

When using a Pembroke Center Oral History in scholarly works, please use the following citation format:

Interviewee last name, first name. Interview. By Interviewer first name last name. Pembroke Center Oral History Project, Brown University. Interview date.

Citations are provided on each interview page.

For further research, visit the Christine Dunlap Farnham Archive LibGuide.

If your question was not addressed above, email the archivists at