Edna Frances Graham, class of 1950

Edna Frances Graham, class of 1950

Abstract In Part 1 of this interview, Edna Frances graham discusses her family background and then elaborated on preparing for Pembroke at Classical High School, attending classes with “mature” veterans who had just returned from WWII, her dating...
Alice Mary Clark, class of 1946

Alice Mary Clark, class of 1946

Abstract Alice Mary Clark begins her interview by briefly describing her childhood on Charlesfield Street in Providence, Rhode Island. There is some trouble with the recording and Clark picks up with an anecdote of a post-graduation opportunity in the speech...
Beverly Adele Moss, class of 1945

Beverly Adele Moss, class of 1945

Abstract In this 2018 interview, Beverly Adele Moss, Pembroke College class of 1945, discusses her family upbringing, time at Pembroke College during World War II, and subsequent career. A trailblazing woman for her time, Moss discusses her experience serving on...
Penelope Claire Hartland, class of 1940

Penelope Claire Hartland, class of 1940

Abstract Penelope Claire Hartland begins this interview by focusing on her education. She describes her academic achievements at Pembroke College, as well as the significance of being the only Pembroke student to concentrate in economics. She details her educational...
Katherine Virginia Faulkner, class of 1936

Katherine Virginia Faulkner, class of 1936

Abstract In this interview, speaking nearly fifty years after graduation from Pembroke College, Katherine Virginia Faulkner begins Part 1 of her interview by describing the intellectual difficulty she encountered in her transition from public schools in Henderson,...