Submission Guidelines

Submissions are now CLOSED for the 2023-24 issue of the Brown University Journal of Public Health! Please click here to read the latest issue.

Please read the following carefully before submitting the form!

The BUJPH is a great space for first-time authors to gain the valuable experience of publishing their work. Students of any class year and concentration are encouraged to submit articles related to public health issues from a variety of perspectives.

Submissions must be:

  • Original work not formally published elsewhere. This could be work produced from academic coursework, extracurricular research, professional experiences, or personal research. Anything ranging from a class assignment, an independent research project in a lab, and online research from academic articles is welcome.
  • Relevant to public health, environmental or global health, health equity and disparities, health policy and economics, medical anthropology, and other related topics.
  • Interesting and/or innovative perspectives that may offer new directions and avenues in the field of public health.
  • Collaborative work created with other co-authors is welcome. If possible, please choose one lead corresponding author to submit the article.
  • Note: submissions are limited to the Brown University undergraduate community at this time.

Formatting specifications:

  • All articles have a strict word limit range of 1000-3500 words. If your paper exceeds this length, please email to request a possible exemption.
  • Shorter pieces such as brief reports and commentaries (1000-2000 words) are welcome and encouraged.
  • Citations: AMA format using in-text superscript numbered citations, with a corresponding numbered References page at the end of the article (note: footnote citations not accepted). See this Purdue Online Writing Lab resource for clarification.
  • If submitting a research paper with multiple sections, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, etc. should be clearly labeled.
  • Include author’s full name, co-author names if applicable, and article title, written as you would like them to appear in the final publication.
  • Must be submitted as a Word document file (not a PDF) with standard academic formatting (i.e. 12 pt font, double spaced, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins).

Examples of possible submission types:

  • Literature review, systematic review, or meta-analysis
  • Long-form research paper
  • Article-style political/social commentary related to public health
  • Policy brief
  • Interviews of relevant professors, academics, professionals, or community advocates

Note: Submission deadline for Spring 2024 issue is December 21, 2023 at 11:59pm EST.

Please direct all questions to


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