Illustration by Nikitha Bhimireddy Article by Wesley Peng Diabetes is a treatable and preventable disease, but it is still the fourth leading cause of death in the Navajo Nation.1 It is one of the leading factors contributing to disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and the prevalence has been on the rise ever since 1965.2 In the Navajo […]
Nikitha Bhimireddy
The Impact of Racial Inequities on the Burden of Adverse Maternal Outcomes in the United States

Illustration by Nikitha Bhimireddy Article by Mallory Go Introduction The high prevalence of preventable maternal deaths in the United States (US) is a tragedy. The US is an alarming outlier due to higher health expenditures and maternal mortality rates (MMR) than comparable countries such as Canada, France, and Germany. The US MMR has increased […]