News and Awards

A NASA space grant is helping students learn about Rhode Island’s infamous history of trash

“We want to get students outside the classroom beyond the textbooks and internet articles they read about,” said Ralph Milliken, Program Director and DEEPS Associate Professor. “So they can understand the interplay on human society and the natural environment.”

Curriculum and Professional Development Application

The NASA RI Space Grant is accepting applications to fund curriculum development and professional development projects at K-12, undergraduate, and graduate levels throughout Rhode Island. All projects related to the development of NASA-relevant curricula, STEM-aligned...

Plant the Moon Challenge: Spring 2024

Do you and your students want to see what it might be like to grow plants on the Moon or Mars? This is your chance! The NASA Rhode Island Space Grant Consortium is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the Plant the Moon Challenge for the...

Satellite built by Brown students and launched by SpaceX shows a low-cost way to reduce space junk

SBUDNIC, built by an academically diverse team of students using off-the-shelf parts, was confirmed to have successfully operated in orbit, demonstrating a practical, low-cost method to cut down on space debris. The project is a result of a collaboration between researchers at Brown’s School of Engineering and the National Research Council of Italy. It is also supported by D-Orbit, AMSAT-Italy, La Sapienza-University of Rome and the NASA Rhode Island Space Grant.

2024 NASA Rhode Island Space Grant Consortium Application for Graduate Fellows

APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 12,  2024 Academic Year Fellows work the majority of their time on their studies and research in conjunction with their degree program.  They are also a part of a larger group of undergraduates, graduate students, and Research Associates...