During the two-week institute, students will work collaboratively as they engage in a series of talks and roundtables, museum and community center visits, strategy sessions on the meanings and purpose of “Just Futures.” The institute will focus on resistance, healing, and community building as well as sovereignty, freedom and spirituality. Specific topics will include: communities’ longstanding relationships with land and water, resistance to human trafficking and enslavement, Native American, African, Afro-Indigenous, and African American communities, social justice & resistance, historical and intergenerational trauma & healing, contemporary issues of justice and equity, water and land protections, community development, solidarities, and autonomy.  


Reading List

Decolonization is not a Metaphor

Why You Can’t Teach United States History Without American Indians

A Peculiar Revolt

Chapter 1: Black Lives, Native Lands, White Worlds

Podcast: Throughline Tenochtitlan

The Myth of de facto, Rothstein

Remembering Stories

The Case for Reparations



View and download Summer Institute week 1 schedule


View and download Summer Institute week 2 schedule