Twelfth Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics

14eme arrondissement

Directors: B. Muller, Duke University; Chung-I Tan, Brown University

During the four day period 10-13 June 2013, our Twelfth Workshop on Non-Perturbative QCD, (and new and interesting advances in other related fields of Physics), will again be held at the Institut d’Astophysique de Paris (IAP), in the 14th arrondissement.

As before, we plan to offer eight chaired Sessions, with Chairs as listed below, giving participants ample time to present short (< 30 minutes) sketches of their recent research work.

As always, last-minute, detailed Programs for each day will be made available at the Workshop, and – as accurately as possible – will appear on our Website one week before the Workshop.  Current planned Sessions will cover a variety of new and interesting topics, and are here listed, along with the names of their organizers/chairs.  If you would like to present a talk, please communicate with the Chair of the relevant Session and submit a title and abstract to the Chair with a copy to Ms. Rotondo.  If you are unsure which session would be best for you, you can also contact Chung-I Tan and/or Bernt Mueller.

Lattice QCD and Confinement. K. Orginos (Williams & Mary)
Progress in YM Theories,
Conformal Invariance and AdS/CFT
S. Das (U Kentucky)
M. Paulos (Brown U)
Amplitudes and Strings M. Spradlin (Brown U)
A. Volovich (Brown U)
Heavy Ion Physics from RHIC to LHC J-Y Ollitrault (Saclay)
B. Muller (Duke U)
AdS/CFT, Holography and Scattering M. Djuric (U do Porto)
M. Costa (U do Porto)
Analytic, Non-Perturbatibve QFT H. M. Fried (Brown U)
From LHC to Cosmic Ray/Astro J. Martin (IAP)
C-I Tan (Brown U)