By Leeah Chang Illustration by Junyue Ma It is without a doubt that COVID-19 had major socioeconomic and health implications for the nation and the world. One of the pandemic’s most prominent effects was on food insecurity, particularly for certain ages and minority populations. Though it is a global problem, the matter of hunger […]
Junyue Ma
Social Determinants of Type 2 Diabetes in Rural vs. Urban Communities
By Austin V. Joseph Illustration by Junyue Ma Introduction and Background Type 2 diabetes is a chronic immunological disease resulting from the body’s inability to process insulin. It affects populations worldwide, with a global prevalence of 537 million adults (age 20-79), which is expected to rise to 783 million by 2045, making up over […]
Midwifery and Maternal Health in Indonesia
By Camille Leung Illustration by Junyue Ma Introduction Half a million women around the world die every year in pregnancy, childbirth, or the six weeks following delivery; 99 percent of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).1 The World Health Organization’s Sustainable Development Goal 3 targets a reduction in the maternal mortality […]
Public Health Perspectives on Queer Liberation & the Necessity of Abolition
By Emilie Lum Illustration by Junyue Ma Why is it important to talk about abolition in the context of public health? I argue that to be a health advocate for health equity necessitates being an advocate for abolition. Abolition is the coalition of many movements to end all systems of oppression and to transform […]
Tuberculosis: The Ugly Economic Practices Behind Screening for the Deadly Disease

By Derrick Kang Illustration by Junyue Ma Killing an estimated 4,300 people each day, tuberculosis continues to ravage populations around the globe. Annually, the number of deaths reaches close to 1.6 million.1 The cruel irony is that tuberculosis (TB) is curable and has been for nearly 100 years.2 Many of the people affected by TB today don’t […]
What Are Forever Chemicals, and How May We Limit Our Exposure?

By Amelia Wieland Illustration by Junyue Ma Picture this: it is a typical rainy November afternoon. As you get ready for the day, you reach for your favorite raincoat, a comfy sweater, a bottle of water, and a snack. What you might not realize is that each of these items in your mass produced tote […]