Media Coverage
By year

Witte, F. (2021, June 26) Meditieren mit Nebenwirkungen. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (German)

Whitcomb, I. (2021, June 21) Meditation isn’t always calming. For a select few, it may lead to psychosis. Popular Science.

Mocker, D. (2021, May 20) Die negativen Seiten der Achtsamkeit. Spectrum (German).

Simon, S. (2021, June 20) Too Much Mindfulness Can Worsen Your Mental Health. VeryWell Health.
Jover, A. (2021, May 20) Los Effectos Negativos del Mindfulness. Quo. (Spanish)

JBergland, B. (2021, May 19) New Research Focuses on the Harmfulness of Mindfulness. Psychology Today.

(2021, March 10)Tu obsesión por meditar y el mindfulness podría arruinar tu bienestar. Codigo Nuevo. (Spanish)

Robson, D. (2021, March 7). Tập thiền quá mức sẽ gây căng thẳng và hoảng loạn BBC News. (Vietnamese).

(2021, March 4) Meditacija mintims – lyg kava kūnui: didina dėmesingumą, bet gali sukelti nemigą, panikos priepuolius. LRT. (Lithuanian).

Adolfsson, J. (2021, Feb 25) Biverkningar av mindfulness viktig väckarklocka för Sverige. Världen idag (Swedish)

Byström, I (2021, Feb 23) Professor: 20 000 sökte hjälp för följder av mindfulness. Världen idag (Swedish)

Barlier, J. (2021, February 8) La méditation peut avoir des effets néfastes inattendus. Au Feminin (French)

Robson, D. (2021, February 5). Mindfulness: cómo el abuso de la meditación puede aumentar la ansiedad en algunos casos. BBC Mundo (Spanish).

Robson, D. (2021, February 4). How too much mindfulness can spike anxiety. BBC News.

Harvey, S. (2020, May) The New Generation Of Scientists Who Will Change The Way You Think About Mindfulness In The Future. Shannon Harvey.
Jalinière, H. (2020, Jan 4) Dépression, addictions, sectes : les risques de la méditation. Sciences et Avinir. (French).

Brems, P. (2019, June 13). De schaduwkant van meditatie waar niemand over spreekt. VRT (Dutch).

Domet, S. (2019, January 15.) Powerful Women of the Mindfulness Movement. Mindful.
Holden, M. (2018, December 26). The Other Side Of Paradise: How I Left A Buddhist Retreat In Handcuffs. Esquire
Matthew Abrams
Winter 2018
Meditation Is a Powerful Mental Tool—and For Some People It Goes Terribly Wrong
By Shayla Love
November 14, 2018
Is Silent Retreat Good For Everyone?
by Josh Korda
October 31, 2018
Overcoming Obstacles to Mindfulness Practice
By Ratnadevi
October 31, 2018
“Nothing Bad Can Happen”: What Happens When Meditation Goes Wrong
by Jo Lauder
July 12, 2018
Jessica Downey
April 16, 2018
Matthew Abrams
April 10 2018
10% Happier ABC New Podcast with Dan Harris
May 24, 2 pm:
May 24, 2 pm :Varieties of Contemplative Experience PLOS ONE Press Release
Pratichi mindfulness? Se sei una donna, avrai maggiori benefici
May 2017
Ahdistaako? Helppo kikka auttaa alle minuutissa – kunhan pakastimesta löytyy jääpaloja
Mindfulness class helped women, but not men, overcome ‘negative affect’
Mindfulness meditation may work differently for men and women
Harper’s Magazine, July 2016
Meditation Nation: How convincing is the science driving the popularity of mindfulness meditation?
Tricycle Magazine, April 25th 2015
Willoughby Britton: “The Messy Truth About Mindfulness”
Mindful Magazine, July 2014
Brown Medicine Magazine,Winter 2014
When It Comes To Matters Of The Heart, Mindfulness Can Help
The Huffington Post, 10/24/14
How Mindfulness Protects Your Heart
TIME, 10/23/14
The Atlantic, 06/25/14
Mindfulness therapy comes at a high price for some, say experts
The Guardian, 08/25/2014
Why a neuroscientist would study meditation
TED TALK by Dr. Willoughby Britton, 2011