Assistant Staff and Director of Outcomes Research
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cleveland Clinic
Investigator, Cleveland Clinic Center for Value-Based Care Research
School of Integrated Health Sciences – Physical Therapy
Dr. Johnson is Assistant Staff and Director of Outcomes Research in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Cleveland Clinic. He is also an Investigator in the Cleveland Clinic Center for Value-Based Care Research. He is a learning health systems researcher focused on using patient outcomes and clinical process measures to evaluate and improve the value of health services provided by rehabilitation clinicians across the continuum of care. His current research focuses primarily on patients’ transitions from hospital to post-acute care, with an emphasis on improving the quality of this transition for patients discharging home. His LeaRRn pilot award, to be completed under the mentorship of Dr. Jennifer Sullivan, will fund the implementation and examination of a novel clinical decision support tool designed to aid physical therapists in the hospital make decisions regarding treatment frequency.