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Alison Cogan PhD, OTR/L

Assistant Professor, Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Southern California

LHS Scholar, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network

Alison Cogan, PhD, OTR/L is an Assistant Professor in the Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the University of Southern California. The overall goal of Dr. Cogan’s research is to improve functional outcomes and community participation for adults with brain injury and stroke by improving the quality of rehabilitation care. She has expertise in secondary data analysis, use of electronic health record data for research, and qualitative methods.

As a LeaRRn LHS Scholar, Dr. Cogan will partner with Dr. Joe Giacino at Spaulding Rehabilitation, with mentorship from Drs. Mary Slavin and Lewis Kazis. Her project will focus on creation of a dashboard to visualize assessment data from electronic health records to support clinical decision making and communication for patients enrolled in Spaulding’s Disorders of Consciousness program.