Ethics of Research and Implementation in Health Systems

Domain definition: To ensure that research and quality improvement performed in health care settings adheres to the highest ethical and regulatory standards.

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Transforming Implementation and Improvement Into Science. Session 1: Identifying Your Implementation & Improvement Sciences Question Delineating Research PowerPoint
Mechanics of Improvement. Session 1: Planning for Improvement-Overview Delinating Research PowerPoint
Mechanics of Improvement. Session 2: Planning for Improvement-Operationalizing Conceptual Models, Process Maps, and Driver Diagrams Delineating Research PowerPoint
Winter D&I Series 2019 Session 5: Quality Improvement Delineating Research PowerPoint
Planning Patient-Centered Consent and Study Protocols: Research Fundamentals Learning Package Module 3 HIPAA PowerPoint
Module 1: Introduction to Dissemination & Implementation Delineating Research PowerPoint
Module 5: Study Designs in Implementation Science Business Ethics Webinar
VHA's Moral Obligation to Quality Improvement: Ethics and the Common Rule within a Learning Health Care System Delineating Research PowerPoint
QUERI: Implementation in the Era of VA Modernization Delineating Research PowerPoint
Modifications and waivers of informed consent in pragmatic clinical trials Idenitifying and Minimizing Conflict of Interest PowerPoint
When are Research Risks Reasonable & What is minimal Risk? Ethics and Legal Agreements Webinar
Learning Healthcare system modules: Module 2: Governance and Management Delineating Research Journal
Learning Healthcare system modules: Module 2: Governance and Management Delineating Research Journal
Learning Healthcare system modules: Module 4: Quality Improvement Delineating Research Journal