Day 1: June 13, 2023  |  11:30 AM – 4:15 PM ET

PANEL: Lived Experience of Persons with Complex Chronic

Conditions  |  11:30 AM – 1:00 PM ET

Female with dark hair, beaded necklace, and black suit jacket smiling

Anjali Forber-Pratt, PhD

Director, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research

Panel Moderator


Opening Remarks           “Living with Complexity:       My Story & Rehabilitation Research Needs”

a photo of a white woman with shoulder-length grey hair, glasses, and a white and black shirt

Amy Acton, RN

CEO, Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors

a photo of a young, white woman with long brown hair, glasses, black shirt, and tan winter hat

Anja Korovesis Herrman

Researcher, Behavioral Health Stratified Treatment (BEST) Project, University of Illinois at Chicago

a photo of a white man, smiling, wearing a suit

Vincenzo Piscopo

President & CEO, United Spinal Association

a photo of a white woman with brown, wavy hair, wearing a green blouse

Jordyn Zimmerman, MEd

Board Chair, CommunicationFIRST


Tamra Keeney, DPT, PhD – Moderator

Physical Therapist and Research Scientist, Massachusetts General Hospital

Instructor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Wouter De Groote, PRM

Technical Advisor, WHO Rehabilitation Programme

“WHO’s Efforts to Advance the Delivery of Rehabilitation Services to Persons with Chronic Conditions”

Lucy Savitz, PhD, MBA

Senior Advisor, UPMC Health Plan Center for Health-Value Health Care
Professor, Health Policy and Management

Director External Affairs, University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health

“Emerging Models of Care for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions”

Session: Management of complex Chronic Conditions  |  2:30 – 4:15 PM ET


Mary Slavin, PT, PhD – Moderator

LeaRRn Co-Director, Dissemination Core

Director of Dissemination, Rehabilitation Outcomes Center, Spaulding Rehabilitation Network

Research Assistant Professor, Boston University

female with short blonde hair red v-neck shirt and beaded necklaces

Flora Hammond, MD

Chief of Medical Affairs, Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana

Nila Covalt Professor and Chair, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Indiana University School of Medicine

“Managing Care for Traumatic Injuries as Chronic Conditions”

male with short red hair and tight beard with white shirt and dark suit jacket

Benjamin Abramoff, MD, MS

Director of Post-COVID Assessment and Recovery Clinic, Penn Medicine

“The Role of Rehabilitation in the Management of Long COVID”

woman with glasses, long brown hair, and black suit jacket with arms crossed smiling

Kathleen McKee, MD, MPH

Director, Intermountain Movement Disorders Center

Assistant Professor, Neurology

Associate Medical Director, Neurosciences Research

Parkinson’s Elevated: Implementing Exercise as Medicine for Persons with Parkinson’s in a Value-Based Healthcare Model

female with long auburn hair and red v-neck shirt smiling

Christine Matthews, CScD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

Service Chief, Audiology and Speech Pathology Program, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Communication Science and Disorders, University of Pittsburgh

“Aphasia Care Across the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health): Experience from VA Pittsburgh PIRATE”

Male with short brown hair, glasses and short beard with plaid collar shirt smiling

Will Hula, PhD, CCC-SLP

Research Speech Pathologist, Audiology and Speech Pathology and Geriatric Research, Clinical Center, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Communication Science amd Disorders, University of Pittsburgh

“Aphasia Care Across the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health): Experience from VA Pittsburgh PIRATE”