LeaRRn & CoHSTAR Summit
The Power of Patient Centered Outcomes in
Rehabilitation Learning Health Systems
This 1.5-day Summit will advance the science and practice of using patient-centered outcomes in Learning Health Systems. The Summit’s unique hybrid format allows for in-person workgroups for invited participants and uses a webinar platform to engage a wider virtual audience. Participants will include health systems leadership, rehabilitation researchers, trainees, persons with lived experiences and clinicians.
The first day of the Summit will include sessions on: 1) Selecting Patient Centered Outcome Measures 2) Capturing Standardized Patient Centered Outcome Measures 3) Accessing Data: Building Data Infrastructure and 4) Analyzing Outcomes Data. The second day of the Summit will include a session on Utilizing Data to Inform Care followed by separate breakout groups for in-person attendees related to each of the sessions to discuss the state of the science and practice, challenges and facilitators, and next steps to move forward.