Pilot Program FAQ
Q: How many Pilot Studies are awarded each year?
A: We expect to fund a minimum of three Pilot studies each year, but we may be able to award more depending on our available budget and the number of strong applications.
Q: Do applicants have to be LeaRRn LHS Scholars before they can apply for the Pilot Program?
A: No, prior participation in the LHS Scholar program is not a prerequisite for applying to the Pilot Study Program. However, applicants who have gone through the LHS Scholar Program are well positioned to propose a compelling Pilot application because they have spent a year developing a relationship and project proposal with a partnered health system.
Q: Does an applicant have to be employed by one of the partnered health systems?
A: No, applicants do not need to be employed by one of the health system partners, they just need to be able to engage with one of the health systems. However, health system employees are eligible to apply.
Q: Is there a resource list of contacts within the health system partners?
A: You can find descriptions of each partnered health system, their leadership for LeaRRn funding opportunities, and their research priorities on the Health System Partners section of our website here. You can reach out to these health care partner leaders directly, or email LeaRRnNetwork@gmail.com to request an introduction.
Q: Should an applicant reach out to one of the health system partners prior to applying?
A: Yes, applicants are expected to connect with the health system in advance as part of the application process. The relationship between the researcher and the health system should already be initiated, as applicants are expected to work with the proposed health system team to prepare their Letter of Intent and subsequent application, if invited to proceed. Through this partnership, the applicant can ensure that the proposal addresses the health system’s priorities, and collaboratively refine an idea that would serve their needs. Collaboration at the proposal planning stage helps facilitate the translation of research evidence into practice.
Q: What kinds of projects have previously been funded?
A: You can find current and former Pilot Program awardees with descriptions of their work here.
Q: When do you recommend reaching out to the health system partners to start the solicitation process?
A: We recommend reaching out to health system partners as soon as possible to discuss a potential application. Applicants not already embedded within a health system, as well as LeaRRn LHS Scholars who are just beginning their work, should allow time to understand systems priorities, discuss research goals and design, and garner health system support of their application. Please also be mindful of winter holiday breaks limiting availability as you plan.
Q: Can Pilot Awards support salaries for faculty, research coordinators, postdoctoral students or others?
A: There is no restriction on Pilot Award funds being used for salary. However, the maximum award amount is $40,000 inclusive of indirects, and is unlikely to significantly cover faculty time. The majority of the Pilot awardee’s salary should be provided by their home institution, and the Award should be used for the following, as needed:
• travel to the healthcare system
• stakeholder engagement activities
• data collection, extraction and analysis
• systematic literature review
• didactic activities for the Pilot awardee’s skills development
• salary support if necessary
Please send additional questions via email to LeaRRnNetwork@gmail.com