LeaRRn Resources

Please explore LeaRRn’s resource database. We gathered these resources from our Webinars, Grand Rounds, Institutes, Summit presentations, and suggestions from researchers within the LeaRRn network. You can interact with the resources in the database in three ways:

  • list view, which allows you to keyword search by primary AHRQ LHS research competency domains,
  • table view which is a spreadsheet that can be sorted, filtered, and downloaded
  • downloadable pdf by topic. 

List View

List view allows you to keyword search, or filter your queries by domain.


Table View

Table view allows for filtering, sorting, keyword searching, and downloading in spreadsheet format.


Search by Topic

View our downloadable resource pages organized by AHRQ LHS domains (healthcare equity and justice, systems science, improvement and implementation science, informatics, research questions, research methods, ethics, and engagement leadership and research management)