Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG-US) 2010
The Location of Theory
Friday, April 30th to Sunday, May 2nd, 2010
Brown University, Providence, RI
Call for Papers and Participation
Deadline: February 15, 2010
We are now accepting submissions of papers, performances, exhibits, or other forms of participation for ‘The Location of Theory’, the third annual meeting of the Theoretical Archaeological Group in North America, at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
We request that each proposal be submitted as a single electronic pdf document to , and include the name(s) and up-to-date contact information for the author(s) as well as an abstract (250 words maximum).
If you are considering submitting an abstract, for a paper or other form of participation, please first check the list of our already accepted conference sessions ( ). If you believe the subject of your contribution fits within one of these, please send your abstract directly to the session organizers. Otherwise, papers and abstracts not submitted for specific sessions may be grouped into new sessions, or forwarded to appropriate session organizers.
The deadline for individual papers or other forms of participation is 15th February 2010.
More information is available at .