Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Month: October 2015

Fieldwork: Zincirli Excavations, Summer 2016

Zincirli Excavations, Summer 2016
Archaeological Fieldwork in Turkey!

Slide 1

Undergraduate and graduate student assistants wanted for the Chicago-Tübingen excavations (August 3 -September 9) at Zincirli, Turkey, the Iron Age (900-600B.C.) and Middle Bronze Age (2000-1600B.C.) city of Samal. Help us uncover the history of this city, once the capital of an Aramaean kingdom and later a stronghold of the Assyrian Empire of Mesopotamia Learn excavation techniques, pottery and artifact analysis, remote-sensing technologies, mapping, and GIS in the field. Live in a Turkish village, make friends from Turkey and other countries at this multinational project, and explore nearby sites on the weekends.

For more information, contact: Dr. Virginia Herrmann – and
Interested students must register (no commitment) by NOVEMBER 16, 2015

CFP: Outside the Box- Art History and Archaeology from the Margins

University of Missouri
Art History and Archaeology Graduate Student Association Symposium
“Outside the Box: Art History and Archaeology from the Margins”

Friday and Saturday, March 18 and 19, 2016
Keynote Lecture: Dr. Erika Doss, Professor of American Studies at the University of Notre Dame
The Art History and Archaeology Graduate Student Association at the University of Missouri invites submissions from graduate students that investigate marginalized topics and call attention to many issues that remain overlooked or outside the central focus of our fields.
“From the Margins” is an umbrella term that can incorporate many topics, including (but not limited to):

  • Artists from socially marginalized communities
  • Rural areas and/or borderlands
  • “Marginal” styles or genres
  • Regionalism
  • Marginalia
  • Outsider Art
  • So-called “minor” arts

Topics from any historical period of Art History, Archaeology, and other fields related to visual and material culture will be considered for twenty-minute presentations. The keynote lecture will take place on Friday evening and student presentations will be held on Saturday, March 19.
Proposals should consist of a  250-500 word abstract and a CV. Submissions should be submitted electronically to no later than January 10, 2016. Please feel free to circulate this CFP and the Symposium flyer with any related departments at your institution.
MU Graduate Symposium 2016

CFP: North American Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) 2016


Call for Papers
North American Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) 2016
Theme: “Bolder Theory: time, matter, ontology and the archaeological difference”

We have all been inspired by theory. At one stage or another in our archaeological careers, we’ve encountered thinking that prompted us to ask new questions, work with new models and heuristics, pursue new lines of empirical enquiry, expose ourselves to inter-disciplinary thought, question our operating assumptions, or confirm our unspoken ideas and inclinations. Bold theory: theory that makes a difference – to us, to the discipline, to those we work with, and perhaps to other disciplines and our public partners.
This year the conference’s setting in Boulder, Colorado merges with our theme: what is bolder theory? Across the academy we sense an increased interest in things, in the matter of life. At the same time archaeologists are taking descendent and stakeholder communities seriously, including an increased commitment to consider alternate, non-Western philosophies and values. Collectively these ideas are provoking bold theorizing in archaeology. The plenary session will get us thinking about bold theory through considering the congruence of non-Western philosophies and theoretical approaches that take, to varying degree, a relational perspective on people and things. While issues of ontology, indigenous philosophy, animism and temporality will form the basis of the plenary session conversation, we encourage participants to consider bold theory in the broadest sense and sessions need not be limited to these topics.

  • Bold theory and ontology: questioning human exceptionalism
  • Bold theory and agency: challenging what it is to be human, and who/what are the agents of the past
  • Bold theory and things: non-Cartesian and non-Western ideas of materiality
  • Bold theory and practice: emergent modes of documenting the past
  • Bold theory and heritage: alternate values for the past and questioning the “Past”
  • Bold theory and epistemology: multiple ways of knowing the past, including non-Western criteria
  • Bold theory and temporality: theories of entanglement, relationality, networks, and symmetry transforming how we think of time
  • Bold theory as trans-disciplinary: archaeology’s expertise with time and materials as our contribution to other disciplines
  • Bold theory as the archaeological difference: is archaeological thinking on time, matter and ontology provoking and inspiring us as bold theory should? If so, how will such bolder theory transform the discipline for the future? If it falls short, what are the criticisms, the alternatives?

Session Proposals | January 10, 2016
Paper Proposals | Opens January 10, 2016 | Deadline February 22, 2016
Session Rosters | March 1, 2016
Early Registration | March 1, 2016

CFP: Context and Meaning XV: Sensing Matter(s)

The Graduate Visual Culture Association of Queen’s University presents CONTEXT AND MEANING XV

Formal museum etiquette and the discipline of art history have long instilled in their audiences a compulsion to look but not touch. How might we as historians and theorists revaluate the way in which we examine art in order to move beyond solely a consideration of the visual? Can methodologies be bolstered or problematized when we address and approach art with varying sensory engagements beyond the visual? How can works of art stimulate the senses, and how have the senses influenced the creation and interpretation of historical or contemporary objects? What can the museum experience tell us about curatorial and display techniques that move beyond the visual to create narratives and illuminate histories of objects and experiences? More recently, the realm of the digital humanities and emerging technology has facilitated the re-creation of art objects and architectural settings in virtual environments. What effects might this emerging virtual frontier have on how historians understand three-dimensional objects without their tactile qualities, and the phenomenological impact of inserting ourselves into these virtual worlds?
We are pleased to announce the fifteenth annual Context & Meaning Graduate Student Conference, taking place at Queen’s University on Friday, January 29th and Saturday, January 30th, 2016. We are seeking papers that address this year’s theme, “Sensing Matter(s),” with the aim of critically examining and challenging the dominance of visuality in visual culture. To that end we invite graduate students to submit proposals for papers that address the engagement of haptic, sensory, or phenomenological experience in the treatment or analysis of visual and material culture. We are interested in exploring this theme in a variety of contexts and strongly encourage interdisciplinary approaches and related fields that may move beyond the purely visual (i.e. performative art pieces). Possible topics may include but are not limited to:
– Depictions of the five senses in art – music, movement, food, and so on
– Material and object-centered approaches: tactility and the haptic
– New museological and curatorial approaches beyond the hanging frame
– Installation and performance art
– Phenomenology and synaesthesia – the body as sensory apparatus
– Technical art history and conservation practices
– Virtuality and the digital humanities
– Extrasensory experiences of artists and artworks (e.g. miraculous objects)
This conference is open to both historical and contemporary topics, and may relate to things considered “fine art” as well as those encountered everyday. Submissions are welcome from current graduate students, as well as those who have completed their graduate studies within the last year, from across Canada and the United States conducting research in all disciplines that engage with visual and material culture. In light of our theme, we seek to assemble a diverse group of scholars in order to foster interdisciplinary discussions. Each presenter will be allotted twenty minutes to deliver her or his papers, followed by a ten- minute discussion period.
If you are interested in speaking or performing at Context and Meaning XIV, please email an abstract of no more than 300 words with the title of the paper, along with a separate document that includes a brief letter of introduction, to Abstracts should be submitted by Friday, November 6, 2015. As a blind panel will review all submissions, please ensure that your name and the title of your paper are included in your letter of introduction, but that your name and other identifying marks are left off the abstract.
We thank all that apply and will only contact those who have been accepted. Accepted applications will be notified by December 5th, 2015.
Deadline for submission: November 6, 2015
If you have any questions concerning the conference, please contact us at
Graduate Student Conference Committee
Graduate Visual Culture Association
Department of Art, Ontario Hall
Queen’s University!
Kingston, ON
K7L 3N6! Canada

CFP: ARC 31.2 Landscapes and People

Archaeological Review from Cambridge Vol. 31.2
November 2016: Landscapes & People

Landscapes are dynamic, meaningful, socially constructed understandings of space, which incorporate elements of the physical world with human perception. In recent years, archaeology has seen an expansion of landscape-oriented research, though many of these projects use different types of evidence and methods. ARC 31.2 seeks to examine new advances in landscape studies within archaeology, and re-evaluate how landscapes are approached and employed in the discipline.
Archaeologists have attempted to reconstruct ancient cultural landscapes using a variety of methodological and theoretical approaches ranging from geomorphological models to phenomenological investigations. A significant complication to both of these approaches, however, is a fundamental incompatibility between contemporary understandings of landscape and the targeted ancient landscapes they seek. How archaeologists construct and make use of evidence – from digital elevation models to the sensorium – have profound impact on the archaeological landscapes they bring to life.
Volume 31.2 of the Archaeological Review from Cambridge seeks to bring together a variety of archaeological approaches to the study of people in past landscapes. We invite submissions from researchers working in any regional or chronological context involved in archaeologies of landscape, geomorphology, palaeoenvironment, spatial relationships and human senses. We especially welcome work that addresses the human element of past landscapes and seeks to marry archaeological science with humanist interpretation. Several potential themes relevant to this volume include, but are not limited to:
• Theories of space, place and landscape
• The production and use of evidence of human perception in the past
• Applications of archaeological science to humanist interpretations of the past
• Human-environmental interaction and its significance to ‘landscape’
• New methods and technologies in landscape reconstruction
• Critiques or appraisals of change within the discipline of ‘landscape archaeology’.
Abstracts of no more than 500 words describing your potential paper should be sent to Ian Ostericher ( by the 15th of November 2015. First drafts of papers (of no more than 4000 words) will be due in early March 2016 for November 2016 publication.

CFP: CHRONIKA Volume 6, Spring 2016

Chronika is an interdisciplinary, open access journal for graduate students studying the art and archaeology of the Mediterranean world. Chronika, like its parent organization the Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology (, encourages interdisciplinary dialogues and innovative approaches to the study of the past.

Call for Submissions
Chronika welcomes submissions from graduate students that address topics relevant to European and Mediterranean archaeology. Articles must be 3,000 to 4,000 words in length, should detail research at or above the Masters level, and may include up to ten images. To have your article considered for this year’s publication, please submit a 100 to 200 word abstract to by Friday, October 23, 2015. You will be notified if your article is selected by November 1. The publication schedule will proceed as follows:
December 15    First draft of full article is due.
January 21    Article is returned to author with comments.
February 21    Revised article is due.
April 2             Chronika launches in print and online.
A hard copy is mailed to each author shortly after this time.
Thank you for your interest in Chronika, and we look forward to receiving your submission. Please direct any inquiries to
Please visit Chronika on the web at

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