Why are scholars attacked? ~ Where? ~ In what disciplines? ~ What kinds of risks do they face? ~ Who’s doing it? ~ Why? ~ Why should we care? ~ How can we protect them? ~ What is academic freedom? ~ Why is it important? ~ How do we protect academic freedom? ~ What’s the difference between academic freedom and free speech? ~ Does it matter? ~ Why? ~ How does Scholars at Risk make a difference? ~ How can we help?
In the ten years that Scholars at Risk members have been protecting scholars, the questions above and many more like them have been asked, over and over.  While our experience provides answers, often our words are not enough.  Not enough to capture the courage, talent and creativity of at-risk scholars.  Not enough to convey the beauty, power and subtlety of concepts like ‘inquiry’, ‘freedom’ and ‘discovery.’  We need your help!
A picture is worth a thousand words.  So as part of our year long celebration of academic freedom and rededication to our work protecting gravely threatened scholars worldwide, Scholars at Risk invites poster submissions that answer some or all of the questions above, or that otherwise highlights university values and Scholars at Risk’s work.  We invite you to share this information with faculty, students and friends at your institution and elsewhere, urging them to join us in getting creative about defending scholars and promoting academic freedom!
University and college students, faculty, staff and administrators from SAR member and non-member institutions around the world may submit entries. There is no age requirement; however, entrants must be currently employed by/enrolled in a recognized institution of higher learning. Individual and group entries are permitted, although maximum of three (3) entries per person.
The winning poster will be awarded $1,000 and will be featured on the SAR website and at the 10th Anniversary celebration of Scholars at Risk in New York City in October 2011. The winning poster at SAR’s discretion may be used online and in SAR materials, distributed internationally to SAR member universities and friends, and displayed at SAR events around the world. 

For more information:

For more information, including submission rules and guidelines, please visit: http://scholarsatrisk.nyu.edu/poster.php