We have grown and now offer courses in five different countries in Europe; S pain, Italy, Greece, Croatia and Bosnia. For 2014 we are offering more than 20 different archaeological courses in six areas:

If you don’t have much time and would like to get an idea about our 2014 courses in five minutes, you can download our Quick Guide which gives a brief summary of each course.
We hope that you are all still following us on Twitter and Facebook.
Thank you,
César González
Course Coordinator
The Sanisera Field School
International Archaeological C ourses

Webpage: www.ecomuseodecavalleria.com
Documentary Webpage: www.archaeologicaldreams.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ecomuseum.cavalleria
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ecomuseum
Email: sanisera@arrakis.es
New Phone: +1 347 8710963